
In the first paragraph shouldn’t that be a 2.4 mile swim for a full distance race?

If I learned anything from reading Deadspin, it’s that you should only use the name of the man in the relationship.

A thunderous +1

+1 for this discussion threat and at least 50% of the account names.

Actual picture of Patrick Redford prepping for this article.

Hmm. Very well. Begin the thawing of Dick Clark.

I didn’t watch the videos, but why is their logo a pile of poop? Not sure whether that’s a rhetorical question.

I didn’t watch the videos, but why is their logo a pile of poop? Not sure whether that’s a rhetorical question.

Welcome to Deadspin. You must be new here.

(Yes, I suspect you’re not new here. This is simply the mandatory response).

That’s not a map.

Here’s your +1. Didn’t want to leave you hanging.

Beware, they’re coming for next.

Now that’s commenting the right way.

More Big Guy, Less Nessman

I’m guessing they don’t want a Detective Pikachu who really wants to say the N-word.

+1 poetic burner

Dammit Deadspin stop writing about this stuff and go back to only real sports like e-sports.

Well if Willie Mays Hayes isn’t in the hall, I don’t see why plain old Willie Mays should be in the running.

Just so long as he wasn’t playing in Louisville.