In the first paragraph shouldn’t that be a 2.4 mile swim for a full distance race?
If I learned anything from reading Deadspin, it’s that you should only use the name of the man in the relationship.
A thunderous +1
+1 for this discussion threat and at least 50% of the account names.
Actual picture of Patrick Redford prepping for this article.
It also gave us one of the most self aware sports articles The Onion has ever offered.
Hmm. Very well. Begin the thawing of Dick Clark.
I didn’t watch the videos, but why is their logo a pile of poop? Not sure whether that’s a rhetorical question.
I didn’t watch the videos, but why is their logo a pile of poop? Not sure whether that’s a rhetorical question.
Welcome to Deadspin. You must be new here.
(Yes, I suspect you’re not new here. This is simply the mandatory response).
That’s not a map.
Here’s your +1. Didn’t want to leave you hanging.
Beware, they’re coming for next.
Now that’s commenting the right way.
More Big Guy, Less Nessman
I’m guessing they don’t want a Detective Pikachu who really wants to say the N-word.
+1 poetic burner
Dammit Deadspin stop writing about this stuff and go back to only real sports like e-sports.
Well if Willie Mays Hayes isn’t in the hall, I don’t see why plain old Willie Mays should be in the running.
Just so long as he wasn’t playing in Louisville.