
Tackle Sebastian, tackle!  That boy just don’t listen.

Wow, I came here so late I think I missed the commenting opportunity on everyone except the family patriarch back in the homeland, known as I.I. for convenience.

And that is why pretty much no one is here.

Thanks for demonstrating the potential of Deadspin for good.  Truly enjoyed the article.

This is no longer your father’s Deadspin.

The Phillies did not make the postseason.

If this doesn’t make it tip over and capsize, nothing will.

Still think this is my favorite of the year.

Your willingness to chime in while displaying your lack of technical competence is quite welcome here.

Thanks for this, Bart O’SpoonLord.

And just when you thought the Jets couldn’t get any more Jets.  I would guess there will not be a single play this year that encapsulates the Jets, but then again they are the Jets.

In all honesty, can anything really be beneath Deadspin?

Naw, he’s already tabbed back to

Good to see Pennsylvania police cracking down on white collar crime for a change.

Holy shit, you really are Trump.

I just want MLB to stop screwing Wisconsin over and finally put a major league team there.

Goddammit. Despite your amazingly inane take on candy corn, you grow increasingly harder to dislike. I’ll keep at it, though.