Typical liberal east coast Deadspin comment bias. Everyone outside the media elite knows that the solo climb out of Lake Chappaquiddick was far more memorable.
Typical liberal east coast Deadspin comment bias. Everyone outside the media elite knows that the solo climb out of Lake Chappaquiddick was far more memorable.
I’ll bow to your Emanuellian expertise in this instance, though still claim to speak for those of us from south of 30.
Moving after only four games? Who knew Peterson was one for the quick switch?
You’re full of it.
We’re talking the midwest here. I think you mean Oscos.
Indeed. Have them wear bowling shirts instead.
Yeah, don’t worry Chris. With Dusty Baker at the helm you’ve got nothing to worry about.
But how will the CONCACAF officials make up their lost tournament bribe money in that case?
I love that I can’t tell whether those are the actual captions that came with those images or if you’re a mad genius who came up with them on the spot.
Is it ok if she’s only fat or only a bitch, but not both?
Keep going. They’ll figure it out. Eventually. Or not.
so ridiculous it’s mind-bottling.
Thank you for serving so others do not have to.
Won’t load in my browser.
I think this is a gross overreaction to the situation; it is obviously pure coincidence that programs run by Pitio and Bruce Pearl were swept up in this.
+O Charlatan
Thank you for returning us to our regularly scheduled Deadspin.
I dunno; at 5'9" my ding-dong is happy to come to the net.
Trail run during the (California) winter. A few miles out from the restrooms. I head off the trail into the dry brush so my buddies don’t have to watch. Drop the running and compression shorts (massive thighs, sorry) to the ground to make sure I can spread out properly since there will be no wiping. Finish the…