Blob Bloblaw

I was really lost when he started swinging that sharp metal thing around in the air. Nobody explained what it does. Is it a cat? 

Tell Karla the stakes weren’t high. Litvak is an asshole and might have blocked her anyway. But he has been shown reluctantly following the rules before. No chance after that.

While I agree that people have overplayed the “break the wheel” line, you completely overstated your dismissal of Dany as “defender of the downtrodden”.

But she did not have to free the Unsullied to have their loyalty and service. She had already purchased that.

After all the bitching and crying and fighting I’ve seen over the last few weeks you are horribly incorrect. It’s BECAUSE people made up their own endings in their head that so much arguing and crying has been going on. It’s a very neutral ending which is the best we could have hoped for in this show becasue there was

there was NEVER going to be a happy ending with sunshine and rainbows with a song and dance number”

Hopefully not. If you are still enjoying Game of Thrones, then I hope the finale delivers for you and that you enjoy it to the very end. I also hope that it doesn’t result in you becoming a jerkass to the people that didn’t enjoy it until the end and would rather it have ended a different way.  People have been

On Westeros things are different. 

Read the column again. I’m sure some people are angry because they wanted Daenerys to be the good guy and win the game, but all the serious criticism i’ve read is about the execution, not the character turn per se.

Like the mailbag says, the issue is micro rather than macro. I buy that she’s more ruthless and violent in pursuit of the Iron Throne than we (and her advisors) were hopeful for.

But they surrendered (both the common folk and the bulk of the Lannister army) and seemingly had the throne basically in hand, save the subset of civilians in/around the keep. Then instead of going directly to the throne/Cersei for vengeance (which would be her character) at the expense of the civilians in the keep,

The problem for me isn’t the violence, it’s the targets. If she incinerated the Lannister army down to the last man and had Drogon eat Cersei, that would be perfectly in character. But when she spends an hour just barbecuing pedestrians for no particular reason it feels like it came out of nowhere. 

There were many more allusions to her striving to be a patient, empathetic, and wise ruler. But I guess *I* am the stupid one for taking them at face value. 

I dunno, I feel like that trajectory would have been clearer if we had actually seen the signs come from Dany herself instead of from a bunch of supporting characters who would periodically whisper “she’s going to go crazy because she’s got Targaryan genes!” in such an obvious way that it felt like they were speaking

I don’t know. Maybe not kill thousands of innocent people for no reason? It wasn’t a move out of desperation. She won (laughably easily) and then ignored the person most responsible for the death of her best friend and instead burned a city to the ground first. She had everyone’s fear already. I have no issue with

Nnnnnot burn children?

There is a vast, vast gulf between killing a couple of leaders that turned against you/killing a slaver population and murdering an entire city full of ostensibly your subjects because... why exactly? This is the woman who locked away her 3 children because one of them accidentally killed one child, who refrained

It’s saying that absolutely nothing Dany did or decided matters because she was born with bad genes. So now she’s just a person who kills people and sets things on fire. It’s boring.

Not to mention being cruel to Brienne just because the writers could. Create happiness to destroy it. They could have had the same ending with him just sneaking off after the ice zombies dropped.

I more-or-less expected the heel-turn, but I expected it to not be, “Oh just kill every man, woman, and child in King’s Landing for no goddamn reason.”