Blob Bloblaw

This is just a weird thing to debate. The director SHOWED us Dany’s view of the ships after the dragon was hit. They weren’t miniscule dots waaaaayyyyy off in the distance. They were clearly visible as enemy ships bearing down on her fleet. It’d be one thing if she had seen them and lost her dragon when she swooped in

I can assure you, the people complaining about Black Panther being nominated for Best Picture are almost certainly NOT the same people who complain about superhero films never being nominated.

I mean, it’s not like they made a DRASTIC OFFENSIVE CHANGE like altering the ethnic background of the main character, or anything. 

I found the ending fight between Matt and Dex to be very interesting, not so much for its actual content (though it was cool), but more for its context.

Seems like you're the one trying hard to make it an issue.

Couldn’t agree more! I’m totally at a loss over why anyone follows Octavia’s irrational plans. Why didn’t someone beat the living hell out of her for burning their completely viable, independent food source? I honestly can’t wait for someone to kill her off. If she doesn’t die, I will be sorely disappointed. She

Apples and oranges...the movie got made because ScarJo is attached. This movie would not get made if it were a no-namer, no matter how good of an actor/actress they are, no matter if they’re straight or not. It comes down to bankable stars and ScarJo is just that. No investor/studio is going to take a chance like that.

I thought the female Indiana Jones was Lara Croft?

Jesus Christ you’re a terrible person.

LOL. So now were just making things up completely? Now we think Grace felt her CAREER was being threatened?

You don’t get to dictate what is a rational fear when you haven’t had to fuckn deal with that shit.

How the fuck is this specifically about you? Grace’s story isn’t your story. I can understand why this is a sensitive subject for you but you can’t judge every case as if it is exactly like yours when it isn’t. This women objected to intercourse and he DID stop. She did not, however, object to oral sex. She even

This is not what happened in the story....

Over on Jezebel someone asked why they hadn’t posted anything about this incident yet to which someone suggested it was because AV Club already had.

You believe she felt there was a legitimate chance Aziz would assault and possibly kill her if she verbalized her discomfort?

Clearly, this happens every time a woman says no. This has lead to a 4:1 gender imbalance on planet Earth, because literally every man will kill a woman who says no.

So your point is what, that women should never attempt to assert their agency with men in any situation ever?

They made out, got naked, had mutual oral sex , he asked if he could get a condom and she said not yet and then she asked, she says, to chill out on the couch for a bit and then more making out and second blowjob, despite nonverbal cues.

We need to teach women this. We need to role play it and give them practice doing it. We need to empower them, encourage them and give them the skills.

I watched Waldo when it was released on Netflix. 2013-2014? I didn’t like it at all and I put it right out of my mind, whereas all the other episodes just stayed with me. It all came back to me on Nov 8, 2016. I called my brother and said, “holy shit, we just elected fucking Waldo!!” So I guess it did stay with me,