I don’t believe women should have to wait for a man to ask if they’re uncomfortable. We happen to live in a reality where not many will.
I don’t believe women should have to wait for a man to ask if they’re uncomfortable. We happen to live in a reality where not many will.
But that just turns things into a he should/she should, doesn’t it? How about yes, men should take note of how a woman reacts to their advances, and if they feel any doubt she’s uncomfortable, they should ask. But also, if a woman feels uncomfortable and a man doesn’t notice, she should use her voice.
Sorry, but if you do something because you FEEL pressured doesn’t mean you didn’t consent. That’s a load of bull.
They also made out and had oral sex beforehand though. It’s easy to assume that Aziz thought she meant she didn’t want to feel forced to have intercourse... At which point, I agree he should’ve stopped pushing for it. However, given also that when he suggested getting a condom earlier, she basically suggested they…
I’m sorry that happened to you, but we shouldn’t equate this to what happened to “Grace.” Aziz was pursuing her aggressively, but by her own account, he didn’t force himself on her in any way. Whenever she voiced discomfort and non-consent, he stopped.
Haha I’m sure you meant “dude” in a non-gendered way!
Thank you! Geez, these people are insane.
She was a photographer. What the hell kind of influence does Aziz Ansari have over her career? And let’s point out that “Grace” never said she felt her career was in jeopardy.
None of what he said implies this.
Right. Let’s pretend this is the likely consequence whenever you say no to a man.
I agree. I like the show, but I wouldn’t say it’s hilarious.
I think Broshnahan did a great job, but yeah, I agree that dramedies belong more in the drama category than the comedy one. I’d never call Maisell a comedy show.
But... That’s the point. It would be discriminatory if she <i>wouldn’t</i> get that recognition because of her religion, warped and cultish as it may be.
Yes, I think you’re mistaken. I’ve never heard anyone use the term ‘black’ to refer to non-black people before.
What does that matter though? It’s annoying to see black be treated as the only minority that counts. There’s only five nominees each year. Not every year will have a black person in the running. They are, after all, a minority.
I’m curious when you watched Waldo. I ask because it seems (from the review and comments) that there’s huge disagreement about the episode between people who watched it pre-Trump and post-Trump.
I first watched it during the 2016 election madness and the episode felt eerily similar. Then I read the review and comments …
Yep, it’s the only one so far that has come somewhat close to passing. It’s possible your feelings toward it depend on when you watch it. I watched it in the midst of the 2016 election campaign, and throughout the episode, i was like, this is happening right now. Was funny to see the review and comments from the past…
Nobody would dare kidnap a child with venomous snake arms. It’s brilliant.
I dunno. I think Parks & Red and The Good Place are very different shows with very different senses of humor. Mostly because I loved the former and think the latter is just okay. I don’t find myself laughing nearly as much watching TGP.
Yeah, so basically NN is a rule that ensures the internet stays the way it is, and telecom companies can’t fuck with it. And actually, yrah, thhere have been attempts to do so before NN was put into place.