Again, you’re completely misrepresenting what I said.
Again, you’re completely misrepresenting what I said.
No, I actually fully understand why you’re jumping to that conclusion, which is why I’ve been trying (to no avail) to clarify my position. But it doesn’t matter, because I see now you’d rather just strawman me and put a whole lot of words in my mouth. See, this may be what you’re reading, but it’s not at all what I’m…
I’m more than aware I’m not bias-free, but I take issue with being labeled a misogynist, because what? Pointing out a woman did a shitty thing means you hate women?
Right, because my opinion on one episode of science fiction television paints my entire character.
Yes, I’m a total MRA and just cannot resist blaming women for everything. C’mon.
Well, where can I get another side, then? I haven’t seen Clinton or anyone deny or respond to her claims.
Well, I think the guy meant he did nothing wrong that deserved being blocked, i.e. he did nothing wrong before she blocked him.
If by “building support” you mean “paying people off”, then yeah. And no, I don’t believe the “silly smears”. I believe the woman who was DNC chair at the time, Donna Brazille, who has exposed the shadiness:
Okay, I misread and thought you meant the behavior prior to the block was abusive. After, yeah, he was not acting right, but again, I think her shitty actions set everything in motion. If you’re in a long-term relationship, I don’t think it’s too much to ask for her to explain her reasons. And just telling him, “Hey,…
What does that even mean? I’m Dutch and have no stake in this fight.
But even from here, I can see that shit stunk. The DNC chair at the time hos now admitted that shit was corrupt as fuck. And the best part was, even after she told Bernie, he sucked it up and campaigned for Hillary anyway. Seems like a decent guy to…
Oh please. Abusive, really? The man finds out he’s having a baby, gets excited, and then quickly finds out she doesn’t want to keep it for some reason, but she won’t explain herself. He’s not allowed to have emotions? I dunno, I think I’d be upset too. I’m all for a woman’s right to choose, but she WAS acting like a…
It’s not really about him being an independent though. Donna Brazille Exposed Hillary had essentially bought the DNC off and was essentially running it. That would create an unfair race, even if Bernie was a democrat all along. And really, as an outsider, I don’t see why the label matters. Independent, democrat,…
Of course, it has now been verified that the DNC was in Clinton’s pocket throughout the primaries. From an outsider perspective, that’s a legitimate issue.
These people are just trying to do their jobs. Should they spend a minute n small talk with every customer and hold up the lines?
Is this confirmed in-show though? I don’t believe it was...
Yeah... No. She was too chicken to tell the guy the baby wasn’t his, and chose to block him instead. That’s pretty fucking awful and was really what started his downward spiral. Even after he finds out she’s keeping the baby, she doesn’t let him know, making him think he’s blocked from his own child. That’s pretty…
Castration seems like it’d be counterproductive in a a mostly sterile society though.
Actually... Yeah, it’s mostly the Kinja effect. This kind of drop in comments is happening all over the AVclub. It’s not just the Walking Dead.
Kate was unbearable this episode. She was giving her mom shit over her own insecurities. Geez, so she overheard her mom singing in the shower and develop some kind of inferiority complex over it. Her mom existing is a problem for her? And when Rebecca praises her she flips out and says the most horrible things she…
Seriously. Kate was unbearable this episode. Her mom tells her how great she was and she freaks out and says the most horrible thing she could say to her mom.