
I think Clarence Thomas should recuse himself. I mean, he did benefit from affirmative action during his school admissions, and then he decided it was a great idea to pull up the rope behind him so no one else could have a leg up.

Two things can be true:

My daughter almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. An emergency abortion saved her life. Abortion is healthcare. Jim “khaki pants” Harbaugh can go fuck himself.

When we were in the early stages of COVID-19, I was thinking about the school closures and all the negative impacts on children that remote learning was creating. Then it occurred to me that —if we actually had a functioning government— the Secretaries of Education and Health and Human Services could have gotten

Well, now we know why West and Trump get along so well. Both are members of the “I am rich as hell so I don’t have to pay my bills” club.

Merrick Garland, Liz Cheney, and all the rest spin their wheels. Looks like it will be a black woman that cleans up the mess AGAIN.

Trying to make sense of the NFL’s disciplinary decisions is like trying to read the mind of a magic eight ball.

He supports trans, but his current choice for President 2024.... Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis.

Just a guess, but they were probably history teachers that covered U.S. History. Spoiler alert: did you know that black people were held as slaves in the United States? ....and that after the Civil War ended, much more shit happened to screw over black folks in the U.S.??

So, I am imagining myself as a teacher in OH. I get my gun safety training, then I go out and buy a pistol. I put it in my purse/briefcase/book bag, then bring it into school. Then what do I do?? Keep it in my desk, locked? What about when I change rooms, I am going to walk through the crowded halls a school with a

Unlike Watson’s version of events, your analysis makes perfect sense.

We need to get this woman home. Period. Make it happen Biden.

His story makes no sense.... he is a professional athlete, so he needs regular massages. So, instead of using the training staff at the Texans facility, or instead of finding a good therapist that he likes to work with, he has used 50-100 massage therapists in the Houston area in the last few years. Why??!? Also, his

Actually, I saw Ultron without seeing Winter Soldier first, and I missed about 20% of the plot points. 

People seem to forget that Trump started his presidency by saying that he won more states that recorded due to voter fraud, even California. So, he appointed a special “Election Integrity” commission, led by world-class dufus Kris Kobach. They did their little fake study, took a bunch of taxpayer money to look into

This “replacement theory” is just about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Is someone going to the houses of white people, executing them, and then moving in a family of color? Because, if that were happening, I think it might be making some headlines. If --on the other hand-- the demographics of this country are

The Disney/Marvel structure is getting kind of alienating... The movies are starting to make less sense if you don’t watch all the shows on Disney+. So, if this character shows up in the next Captain Marvel movie, will those of us without a Disney+ subscription be scratching our heads saying “wait, who is that??”

Shit human being turns out to be even shittier than previously known. No one is surprised in the least.

As a Maine resident, all I can say is, sorry, I did what I could.

The fact that a device that shines light through the skin to detect oxygen concentration made it to market without anyone ever asking: “gee, I wonder if skin pigment might affect the accuracy of the readings” is just bonkers.... and by bonkers I mean predictably negligent.