
You know what else..... my house is starting to need a paint job!! And what has Kamala done? NOTHING!!

To be fair, there are a lot of CEO types that back Trump.... some quietly, others quite overtly.... and it hasn’t hurt their brand or sales. Who is the CEO of GM right now and who does he/she support in the next election? I honestly have no idea, but I would bet some old white dude named John. Would you think

These wingnuts seem funny at first, but the SovCit movement attracts whackos who love guns. Cops who pull over cars with fake plates have been shot, because, well, “whacko with a gun” reasons.

Good for this driver. He discovered the hidden “spontaneous acceleration” feature. He will be getting a bill from Tesla for the extra functionality.

I fully support this. Can’t wait to see a canoe full of idiots paddling around while carrying a bubble level and concluding that their bubble level experiment proves that Mars does not exist -- OR -- some other equivalent level of jackassery.

Seems like there are still some reliability issues with the raptor engine.... one didn’t start up on launch, and it looked like one or more blew up on restart during landing. That seems like a pretty minor “tuning and improving” issue. The heat tiles on the other hand seem like a major redesign might be in the cards:

Have you seen the calves on those wild hogs? They are like cantaloupes! They are strong enough to bring bails of drugs in on their backs!

Sov Cits.

I am old enough to remember when (in the 70's), if you bought a firearm it would come with a complimentary one-year membership to the NRA. In the 70's, the NRA was completely apolitical and membership would get a one-year subscription to either a guns magazine or a hunting magazine. Also included was a free trigger

Your laws don’t apply to me, I am not a citizen of this country and therefore you have no jurisdiction, also, I will use your legal system to wreak havoc with all the people who are citizens.

It occurs to me that it takes a little bit of a maniacal personality to start a company and create a big something from nothing. Starting a car company is a big deal.

Booked a once-in-our-lives vaca in Hawaii for our anniversary. Realized that the flight back to Boston would include a red-eye, so I booked first class through American. Turns out their “partner” on the overnight leg Hawaii=> Seattle was Alaska Air. We boarded about 9PM and get a glass of ginger ale from the attendant

Yeah, I tried CBD for my chronic pain a while back, and it was kind of a nothing-burger for me. On the other hand, a 5mg THC gummy is super helpful to help me sleep. I have had a couple folks on the dispensary side suggest that THC + CBD works better than just THC. I have tried it and haven’t noticed any better effect

I used to have a gig working “household hazardous chemical disposal days” for towns. People would bring in all the crazy crap that they had in their attics and basements. One thing that showed up from time to time was old fashioned fire suppression systems. They were thin glass balls (think christmas ornament the size

Well, who benefits from this bridge coming down??!? No one, you say?

That’s a shame, I hope she gets well soon.

I am not saying that these shots turned him into the Hulk, but he and the Hulk have never been seen together. Just asking questions. Just doing my own research.

Now playing

There has only ever been one great Superbowl commercial: “Terry Tate, Office Linebacker”

Underrated comment of the day.

Veterinarians also note that Tyson was previously exposed to gamma radiation in a freak lab accident. Generally, he is a very good boy; yes he is; yes he is. You just don’t want to make him angry.