
Gauff is an absolute beast on the court. She is totally unflappable, and her skills are top notch. She was a fearless competitor when she was 15, but she is a steamroller now. Can’t wait to see her in the finals and again in Wimbledon in a few weeks. It is preposterous how mature of a competitor she is at 18.

So, he woke up a dude sleeping in his car, then when the dude seemed disoriented he feared for his life and shot him. Yeah, that’s some great police work there.

I am beginning to think that Madison Cawthorne is right about ONE thing: Republicans do a lot of cocaine..... because all the crazy nonsense they talk about sounds like the shit my friend used to say when he was all coked up. I’m not wrong: a global cabal of child molesters who control what you eat, distribute porn,

For my entire life, polls have been staffed with civic-minded, democracy-loving, country-loving, well-trained, mostly-retired good people who just want to count things fairly and accurately.

A-fucking-men. Also, Let’s not forget Ben “two rapes” Roesthlisberger getting right back on the field after serving a short suspension. Tom Brady was suspended for “—more likely than not— being aware of a plot to deflate footballs, which —more likely than not— existed. (Note: teams are responsible for playing

He’ll do whatever I want him to in the bed next to me??!?!

  1. There are people in this country who are mentally ill. Some fraction of those with serious mental illness have violent ideations.

A lot of these “Christian” schools started up after the supreme court ordered school desegregation. They set up private academies that if they were honest would have been called “Private School For Budding Young White Supremacists”, instead of hiding behind some religious veil. Virginia is full of private religious

So messed up. I am trying to imagine how shitty security has to be at a venue such that someone can enter with a backpack containing a knife and a replica handgun. Very shitty I think is the answer. Especially considering that security for comedians is supposed to be more vigilant since “the slap.”

So, if I was a victim of revenge porn, then my words were helpful advice, but if I haven’t been a victim of that particular crime, then I am part of the problem?? That seems like an odd litmus test to me. Is that what you were intending to say? Regardless, there are no hills that I am hoping to die on. On the other

So, when the actual victim of the revenge porn suggested not sharing intimate selfies with pro athletes was it violence against herself? Or all women? Or just women who might date pro athletes? To be clear: in my mind revenge porn IS violence, as are threats and physical assaults. Anyone who does this shit deserves

Having played and coached at the HS and college level, I never stop being shocked how many coaches are in it to feed their pathological egos, and not as a means to help young people turn into mature, healthy adults.

Oh, do tell.

Jane Doe’s cautionary tale: don’t make sex tapes with pro athletes, because they are used to getting away with stuff.

“You know what the problem with <insert ethnic group label here> is?” a rhetorical question that never goes anywhere good when the speaker answers their own question.

So if I tweet out that “Elon Musk will be at a certain place at a certain time, and that if enough of us show up at once, we can overwhelm his security, kidnap him, and slowly torture him to death on a live stream.”

What all this really means: “You opposed our previous candidate that was an anti-choice, partisan hack with a history of alcohol abuse and sexual assault, so we are going to oppose your completely qualified and excellent candidate out of partisan spite.”

I saw George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars (I think that was their name at the time) at Woodstock-99. At a festival where most of the bands sounded like ass, and the whole event devolved into a total shit-show pretty quickly, Clinton and his band were for sure the highlight for me. It was a fun set with great

So, here is an odd detail.....

Hmmm. If only Jada Pinkett were a grown woman who is capable of defending herself and making her own choices about how to do so..... Oh, wait, she is.