
Don’t worry, Kyrie will be back to play like a boss, until the playoffs when he will play like crap amid rumors of some possible lingering injury. It’s kind of his brand. Add the anti-vax nonsense, and he is the NBA’s answer to Aaron Rodgers, but with less lying to the press about his vaccine status.

Sure, she was top of her class, has a distinguished career, and an even temperament, but —and I think this is critical— does she like beer and coach softball. Cuz I hear those are the next-level judging skills.

What they could/should do: reply to invite the letter writers to a meeting where they could dialogue on what the royal family could do to improve British-Jamaican relations and improve the lives of the Jamaican people.

Lindsey Graham: So, what faith are you anyway?

Not news: Ted Cru is a whiny, entitled POS.

I am trying to imagine a circumstance where my favorite team would pursue and acquire a serial sexual predator as the face of the franchise and I would be cool with it because we might win the big one. I got nothing.

Well, if Ben Roethlisberger can get away with rape twice (at least), then this seems fair..... unless of course you have some crazy notion that women are people deserving fairness too.... but that idea seems pretty crazy, right?!?

How the hell do you make a list like this and not include Samuel L. Jackson?!?!

Residents of Guam and American Samoa are second-class citizens, or maybe second-class half-citizens.

I suspect that based on your comment that you ??maybe?? think that it is not normal behavior for 15-year-old girls to decide to take cardiac medications that are on the WADA banned substances list. Um, yeah.

I hope he goes to the podium and screams “I’ve had enough of getting these mother-fucking awards at these mother-fucking ceremonies!!” ... and then walks off.

A recipe: Take 1) one of the most talented, quick hands hitters of all time and 2) add ALL the steroids; and you will get A) a freakish talent that hits homers so often that he skews normal game strategy and B) a melon-headed steroid user that is so obviously using it is a running joke, and C) a quandary about whether

I heard Jordan Peterson in another context discussing some shit, I don’t remember the topic honestly. In any case, he began with a 45 minute barf session defining “facts” and “truth”. I shit you not. Agonizingly stupid word salad so that he could prove that God exists or some shit.

Not all Trump supporters are racists violent cultists, but all racists violent cultists are Trump supporters.

Oh please, do share the wonderful political insights of a man whose primary qualifications seem to be: steroids, hitting stuff, and marijuana by the bucketful.

Reporter: Hey Aaron, why didn’t you audible to the blitz pickup?

What are the odds that the filing includes the phrase “such a nasty woman” in there at least once. I am guessing about 97.2% since Trump is the plaintiff and the defendant is not a dude. (For a dude, the filing would include the word “loser”.)

Religion: The justification for treating women like property for 5,000 years, and still going strong.

Thinking about the lies spread about these —and other— election workers, as well about Dr. Fauci, Rep Omar, and others.... These folks have to know that the best case is that innocent civilians will have their lives turned upside-down, and worst case someone is going to get killed.

Well, there are a few differences in this vs. the Rittenhouse case: