
Not to mince words or anything, but “Devices that are meant to help save lives are actually hurting people of color” is hugely misleading. Two things are true: 1) medical testing devices like pulse oximeters ought to be accurate as possible for people of every color and ethnicity, and 2) every measuring device has an

Damn. I’ll miss you man. I hope all good things head your way, and if your next job involves putting electronic pen to virtual paper, I will seek out your words.

Why did God allow for sin in the world? So that people could make their own choices to be good or not. So, then Joe Biden should make his own choices and allow other people to make their own choices in accordance with their own moral compass? No way, how did you come up with that crazy idea?!?

If you are going to run a place of employment where co-workers under the age of 18 are going to be a regular thing, background checks NEED to be part of the regular hiring practice. If all or nearly all of your employees are adults, then background checks are pretty much optional, but when you are filling your payroll

I have always found it odd how easily terms that are obviously good can get slammed into insults, when the opposite term is obviously an insult:

A couple points:

My mind spins every time some gang of dolts starts a paragraph complaining about “woke cancel culture” and ends the paragraph with “therefore, we need to stop teaching Critical Race Theory”.

But, but.... what if I want to know Michael Douglas’s thoughts on dark matter/dark energy and whether material science will make a space ladder possible in our lifetimes? Also, what does Ben Affleck think about platform-independent programming languages?

Simple test to see if you are an idiot:

First off, I believe that Rodgers lied in the most weasely way possible, the doubled-down on that lie in the rest of that press conference as well as violated COVID exposure rules to put their health of the Packers press corps in jeopardy without their consent.

Congratulations Aaron, you have successfully becomes obviously less honorable than Cole Fucking Beasley or Kirk Meathead Cousins.

A few notes:

Good point. That whale Moby was a total dick.

This only goes to prove that there is no meme so obviously stupid that some idiot won’t believe it and repeat it to all his friends. Seriously.... COVID got to us through the lobsters? WTF. An airborne virus that would start with an underwater creature? I just can’t anymore with these wingnuts.

Not saying you’re wrong, but do you have some data to back that up? Over the last twenty years, I would say that the players that have been Belichick’s favorite players have been Vince Wilfork, Rodney Harrison, Troy Brown, Devin McCourty, Donta Hightower, Jerod Mayo, and his all-time favorite being Lawrence Taylor.

Well, it turns out that those “intangibles” that Gruden was looking for were more tangible that previously believed. 

On this day, October 10th 2021, you “Send It In Jerome”, have won the internet.

To all the pregnant women out there considering vax vs. no-vax, please consider this:

True, the speech did not start the war, but you may recall how little respect Bush & Cheney had around the world, and how much respect Powell had. With the relationships he had built with our NATO allies, and the the number of people who believed his integrity was beyond question, it definitely helped a lot of our

I looked up the episode history of frontline, and I believe it was an episode called “gunning for saddam”. Keep in mind that Powell made his UN speech in Feb 2003, so there was 17 months of public discussion about how to respond to the 9/11 attacks. It was obvious pretty quickly that 1) The attacks were directed by Bin