
I remember watching his briefing to the UN very clearly. I had just seen a “Frontline” episode where they analyzed Iraqi intelligence around centrifuges and yellowcake uranium. They had a ton of scientists who basically concluded that the aluminum tubes that they received could never be used to enrich uranium, and the

Hey Kyrie,

Chappelle walked away from his show when he realized that his audience was becoming a bunch of racist frat boys who just wanted to hear the n-word and didn’t really get the point of the joke. He took some time off to reflect and regroup.

Exactly. Even taking them at their word it makes no sense. Squatter in the house seems more like a “knock on the door and ask for ID” situation than “draw guns and come out with your hands up” situation.

Gruden indicated that he used the expression “rubber lips” to indicate someone who lies often. Kind of like “two-faced.” So his comment about “Michelin tire lips” could be read like “that guy is such a liar, he not only has two faces, he has two heads and two torsos as well.” Umm... I’m calling BS on this.

“Well, Ah lack that he’s done his thing fuh the ahmy, but Ah dunno thut Ah could vote fer a cuhluht felluh”

I don’t know how much of this anti-vax nonsense started in Russia, but recent reports show that Russian bots are being used to amplify all of the stupid theories on social media.

So, Uma Thurman will burn in hell forever.”

  • Option A: Some doofus who refused to take any precautions during a deadly global pandemic caught that deadly virus and died from it.

The judge indicated that the law discriminates against black voters.

For two reasons:

Guys, I might be wrong, but I am beginning to suspect the Minaj does not have medical license or a PhD in epidemiology?!? Maybe I shouldn’t be taking medical advice from celebrities. From now on I’ll be getting my medical advice from the right places.... my barber and the guy who works at the hardware store. /s

Clarence Thomas is one of the worst recent justices replacing one of the best ever justices when Thurgood Marshall died. In Republican logic (George H.W. Bush), black judges are equivalent, so here we have dip-shit McIdiot sitting on the court married to the queen of Karens.

The House of Windsor is burning, and I am making popcorn for the show. A touch of parmesan really makes it awesome, and it pairs well with sight of royal pedophile rapists in handcuffs.

Bieniemy should take over in Jacksonville, and Urban Meyer should take over at USC.

I believe I can fly,

Lowville, one of the regions in the northern states that proudly sent troops to fight for the Union in the civil war, and now pickups with confederate flags are common. The part of New York that is in a tight race with Kentucky for ignorant dumb-fuckery.

I so very much want to see the cop-cam video. I know his supervisors have, and they haven’t come out with the usual “she was out of line” statement, so....

Frat boys who scream at TV cameras at football games are generally shit human beings, but sometimes they are funny, shit human beings who make fun of rich idiots.

Well, sure, he was a war-mongering idiot who lied, cheated and generally was a shit president.... but he sure does a lot of mediocre paintings of cats or feet or whatever.