
The first folks to get the jab were all the old folks in assisted living and senior residence facilities.

Wow.... so I guess that should be listed on the FDA website for possible vaccine side-effects:

Yeah, he’s never abused anybody.... unless you count the video tape of him verbally abusing somebody, or if you believe the complaints of repeated abuse coming from the community. But sure, if you don’t believe either evidence or testimony, then he has never abused anyone.

“I know from my training and experience that cross burnings have historically been used to specifically target and intimidate African Americans.”

I imagine that there is some chapter of the KKK where they are getting together in their little club house and one proud idiot is bringing in a web page he printed out with joy exclaiming “hey boys, look at this. That n— Harriot printed my letter... the one where I call him all kinds of shit.” In that moment, Jethro

One thing everyone can agree on is that this is a colossal fuck-up of their own making. I only saw a handful of the hosts, but a few things seem true.

I think they should go with “Washington Plantation Slaves.” It preserves the tradition of a racist team name, but it also:

These cops seem like criminal masterminds.... They spray painted a swastika on a vehicle they were told to impound. So, when the vehicle shows up at the impound yard all Nazi-ed up with fresh paint, who do suspect first?

The neighbors say they just want peace and fear someone will get hurt if the woman’s behavior continues

So --according to your neighbor-- surgeons and other OR staff have been living a very unhealthy lifestyle for say the last 100 years or so. Sounds like you are living next to the next Einstein. /s

Podcast Buttigieg.

I was reviewing Dylan Lyrics in my head to see if there were any “young girl, get out of my mind” type songs.... I was reminded of this one:

Gov DeSantis: “This drug, which will be given to sick people in the hospital, will prevent hospitalizations.”

He also had Bill Cosby on as one of his first guests, after it was well known that he was a serial predator. (Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were regularly making cracks about it.)

“Sure, we can talk about race. Let’s start with how America is a melting pot of races and cultures where everyone is treated fairly so no one needs to feel bad about anything and anyone who thinks otherwise is a troublemaker... maybe even a communist.”

Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine Joe Biden had the power (he doesn’t) to declare that any vaccine eligible person who gets medical treatment for COVID after 9/30/2021 will have to pay for their treatment themselves. Neither insurance companies nor medicare/medicaid would pay a cent for the care of people who could

I will just add that the folks who say “it only kills x% of people under the age of y” are only telling half of the story. What about the people who don’t die, but got really sick? About 14% to 21% of COVID cases between the ages of 20 and 44 end up in the hospital. How much would it suck to be pregnant and:

So, what are the right numbers? What I have seen in recent stats is that:

I think what we all want to know is 1) did he keep his lawn trimmed, and 2) was he always polite when you ran into him on the sidewalk.

I am not saying for sure that the whole Rumble web site is a black-bag op run by the CIA and NSA to identify those seeking the real truth. And I am definitely not saying that those who view the web site will be killed in their sleep by a wet op funded by the shadow government. And I am for sure not certain that the