This article is so full of inaccuracies it is hard to know where to begin.
This article is so full of inaccuracies it is hard to know where to begin.
Kinda like woeeee, woeeeee, woeeeee, blk, blk, blk, blubbwoeee, woeee, woee,woeee, bgkla, blkg, blka, woooeeee,woeeee, woeeee, wooeeeeeee, blkal, blkal, blummmmpurrr, wooeeeeee.
“Why don’t these miserable fuckers just move somewhere where they’d be happier, like maybe deep inside the rectum of the giant, seething beast that is their own feckless rage and intolerance?”
Next track day I’m showing up in a lorry and nothing will stop me!
It’s like an R rated Cars, where Pixar’s finest stalk you before inevitably sucking your soul through an illogical intercooler
You are a terrible, miserable, reprehensible excuse for a human being.
Other things to factor in :
My theory is more along the line of “if I don’t get away from this guy I may literally kill him.”
Is that... an E30 under there???
That poor e30 :(
oooh yeah i member!
“Quality memes are forever,” she said, polishing off her brefass scotch. “You, sir, deserve Jalopnik Gold for that one.”
Every time I think that meme is just about to die off, it wakes up again.
I guess y’all can afford to be this critical because there has never been a boring, rehashed article written by anyone on this website, right?
Member when Jalopnik hated Tesla because Tesla wouldn’t provide press cars?
Man, y’all got really salty over an innocuous joke. Bless.
This guy can drive, apparently the Williams engineers were pretty amazed with his pace.