Robbie Donaldson

Dude is seriously way likeable. If you’re going to be a young man with the world by the balls, you might as well have a smile and enjoy yourself.

This was a curiously satisfying article to read, and one of the better streamer profiles the site has done.

As an American, I hardly see what was in need of defense here.

Bart isn’t speaking. He’s the fourth member of the team. Therefore, Bart is The Stig. And remember, no one likes Poochie.

Now playing

the only Front Engine Porsche story that matters

Yeah, but that doesn’t help her with a click bait title. I’m so fucking close to unliking Jalopnik. She wrote another article with a title making it seem like American teams, specifically Ford’s GT in the WEC, were getting fucked over by the balance of performance. She just so happened to leave out fact that Ford

My 1980s gundam kits cursed me in many of the same ways. Sold them all and got a better hobby.

I have a 1966 Ford F-100 pickup that I got about 20 years ago. Still haven’t finished it, mostly because the paint that came with it... failed, and while I have access to much better paint and am much better with my hands now, I've never gotten around to finishing.

Yep. Real cars don’t defeat me, they just eventually get to the point where they’re no longer financially viable. Models, as you say, don’t really do that. They’ll just keep falling apart. What may not be obvious from the crappy pic is that the Beetle is missing the front left turn signal and the mirrors.

I recall a similar experience with a Lindberg produced Lincoln Continental. That thing was hell to put together... These bits do not fit together as well as they appear to.

...the thing where old scared racist people in the UK want to keep brown people out of their country and think that ditching the shitshow that is the EU is going to help them with that.

The Humvees are military spec. They have been decommissioned and have been being auctioned off to the general public for a couple years now....

Glad to be of help. Also, have you checked up on your airbag fairies recently?

The trolls tend to hang out in the main crankcase; They can turn the crankshaft by hand there. The pistons and ignition etc. are just there to keep the crankcase warm; They like it that way. The pixies tend to hang round to keep the trolls happy; They do stuff like control the ignition happens to stop the trolls

Why must you encourage the Neanderthals?

They forgot to waterproof this one.

Did you hear that Hitler killed 6 million Jews and 1 Clown?