
The stop motion effect is really neat and does a lot to help complete the illusion. Sort of a Diablo-meets-all-the-claymation-Christmas-movies feel to it.

There are only two things I want in this game: More maps, and co-op campaign. Big fat goose egg on the second, and a little tiny goose egg on the first. Two measly maps is not going to be enough to tide me over for another entire season. 343 better figure their shit out, because this ain’t it.

I went back and read the VentureBeat article, and I’ll admit, it’s a bit worse than this article makes it out to be. Maybe a 3 instead of a 1? I stand my my statement that this article is sensationalist, clickbait-y garbage (i.e. the inflammatory content warning that seems to exist purely to mischaracterize what’s

Maybe there’s more to it, but based on what’s written here, on a scale from 1 to “button under your desk that locks the door,” this is a 1. Words having meaning, but you also have to factor in intent when determining how egregious something is. Are we really to the point where we’re doing this middle school

I’d honestly say to take your time with the first game and really enjoy it. It’s such a good game, it would be a waste to rush through it to get to the sequel. Hope you like it!

Since this dipshit is doing this so blatantly, maybe FromSoft could take him to court and softban him from his bank account for a malicious violation of TOS. What a piece of shit.

Maybe [hopefully] answered your question there? Maybe there’s some behind the scenes shenanigans now that Bethesda is officially working for the competition. Who knows. Will definitely keep my fingers crossed. I want it to be good.

There are no words to tell you how pumped I am for the Returnal update. Holy crap, that’s amazing. Let’s gooooooo.

I’m torn. I want it on PC, but after playing the first game on PC and enjoying it so freakin’ much, idk if I want to wait multiple years for it to get re-released. If the worst case is I support the devs twice for making a great game, I guess there are worse things.

What a great story. The little bits of creative ingenuity that go into getting a game to do what you want it to do within the constraints of the engine are so crafty and inventive. It’s always fun to see how things work when you pull back the curtain and look under the hood, and it’s something I’ve come to appreciate

Starship Troopers: Based (incredibly loosely) on a book. The change is transformative.

Imagine recommending more prison time for pirating video games than for insurrection against the United States.

Now listen, sometimes a little tinkering with the core of what makes the source material good works wonders. Why, just look at the Cowboy Bebop adaptatio— err... the Monster Hunter adapta— err... Chris Pratt as Mari— err... last year’s Mortal Kombat mov— err... [ad infinitum]

You say that as though there is an object right or wrong when it comes to design choices. Developers make the game they want to make. Just because you personally don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s deficient.

A) Re: “Users don’t get it.” I agree, insofar as by “don’t,” he means “won’t,” and by “it,” he means “Ubisoft products.” Hopefully other ignorant users like me will follow suit. These shitheads are chasing money, and cryptobros are shelling out huge wads of cash to get this garbage going for these companies. Only way

I’ll second it. It grabbed me and my friend in a way that Back 4 Blood really didn’t. The characters, world, enemy design, and encounter design all gelled really well together. Anecdotally, my friend and I found ourselves really communicating with each other, strategizing, and having each other’s backs a lot more than

OTOH, if the bar is “”, you are super easy to satisfy.

Jesus Christ, no wonder we keep having mass shootings in this country. What fucking good are the police when they took a full 24 hours to find and arrest this psychopath who was literally on camera doing all this shit, threatening people’s lives, and talking about committing violence with an assault rifle. They let

Oops. You hate to see it.

Been waiting for this for a long time, so I’m pretty excited. My understanding from the whole fiasco with It Takes Two is that pursuing trademark infringement litigation isn’t necessary if there’s not going to be any confusion over the product’s ownership ( see #3 on