
Dogmeat was the only companion I had for the entirety of my playthrough, and he really made the game enjoyable and changed how I played it . I still remember one point where I was exploring the rooftops in downtown, and Dogmeat had run ahead and gotten into trouble with a bunch of enemies in the next building over. I

“There was a while at the beginning of the year,” said Bromander, “when a lot of the negative comments were really starting to get to me, and—combined with the overwhelmed feelings—I was just like, ‘I don’t even want to work on this anymore. I’m done.’”

The way I figure, if Shepard is a good enough shot that their only choices are “hit” or “miss intentionally,” they’re a good enough shot to miss convincingly and then look surprised about it. I gave it to Garrus, because hitting the shot felt selfish. This isn’t the “Me” show. It’s the “Us” show. It’s not all about

I haven’t gotten anything super special, but I’ve really enjoyed the sort of pseudo-randomness of each run through the biomes. Seems like there’s always new opportunities each time you go through.

Very cool to see the people behind the character. I thought Maggie Robertson’s voice work for Lady D was really top notch. Different kind of performance and a different character to her voice than what you’d expect, but it really worked and made her stand out from the rest of the cast in the game.

Eternal was frustrating AF. Like others here have said, I beat it mostly just so I could give it an annoyed middle finger at the end. Enemies are just too accurate at all ranges, they do too much damage, and they’re too tanky for the ammunition limits that you have. Whoever thought resource micromanagement was a good

I don’t *think* that’s what was intended there, but could be wrong I guess. AFAIK, he’s going to Hollywood to find Johnny Cage, because Raiden needs more champions after the events of the movie. Gotta restock for the sequel that is definitely going to happen.

Agreed. I didn’t even find his physical abilities that impressive. He looked like he was flailing around and unsure of what he was doing in fights half the time.Sort of took me out of the fights. Especially noticed it in the Sub Zero fight at the end. He just kind of looked lost.

“Le secret de la liberté est d’éclairer les hommes, comme celui de la tyrannie est de les retenir dans l’ignorance”

I just really love the contrast between everyone else trying so hard to look badass and cool, and Sonicfox out there in fursuit just having a good time. Great stuff.

Doesn’t seem like it would be that difficult to implement a halfway decent “rule of thirds” mechanic to the game. I really don’t like the whole “is it dead-ass in the center of the photo” scoring system, even if I understand why they did it.

I’m skeptical of the voice command system. I’d prefer just to have a button to initiate dialogue and choose from various dialogue choices. At least at the moment it seems kind of gimmicky and insubstantial.

Jumping in both of the Ori games feels fantastic, in no small part due to the animations that go along with it. Super fluid and satisfying, and it chains together with the other abilities you have really well. I love the little flips that Ori does in the air.

Somehow completely appropriate that the reveal in the video was stopped in its tracks by an overloaded inventory.

Just watch — it’s gonna end up being like that door in the Cathedral Ward in Bloodborne.

I had a first edition Charizard once. I traded it for 14 of someone else’s foil cards. I...regret that decision now.

Yup. It was very difficult to read. Like, I literally had trouble finding the article amid the ads. I know it’s not your fault, but still felt like it needed to be said. I appreciate your work, Zack. (That said, it seems like it adds ads in between paragraphs, so if you just never hit the Return button, you should be

I haven’t commented on Kotaku much recently, but I wanted to pop on to say thanks for this article. Well-written, informative, and on-point. I appreciate it.

Thanks for the advice. Free to play regards the method of purchasing the product. It will not be purchasable on Steam, ergo, it will not be free to play on Steam. It will be “if you already bought it for money, you can still play it.” It’s more Epic Games Store trash, and it undercuts their ostensible desire to grow

All platform except Steam, apparently. Yikes.