
I think the “special place in hell” thing can apply on a personal level. Like if you are in a position to help lift another woman up or look out for her, yes, do that! Example - if you see a woman being harassed in the workplace and you’re her supervisor, you do not let that shit slide! I do not, anyway. Or if you’re

this comment is an extremely artful humblebrag. bravo, sir.

I can’t read this without hearing it in her voice.

Per Serbian legend, the Boban will now feast on the first-born Whiteside

Opened up his eager arm. He's Mr. Whiteside.

I wish I could find a metaphor for how little Johnny Football changed before/after rehab...

It’s not nice to call Johnny a crazy woman.

Well this wasn’t the ball movement that Coach Pop was hoping for.

No, but it is incomplete since it assumes those were the only two options available. I think most people would suggest that the third option of “allow him on the team while monitoring his workouts to make sure his condition doesn’t endanger his health” is a pretty reasonable one.

I don’t think The Regents will use this line of argument in closing. Call it a hunch.

I wasn’t really impressed at first. But judging from the sound, it’s definitely harder than it looks.

Toronto police don’t have any complaints filed related to the incident, but the NBA and Clippers plan to investigate what happened, according to Amick.

It was all fun and games until one of the kids challenged him to a game of “Pig.”

Fugitives? Maybe you should re-check the proper legal definitions before you post articles like this.

Like most other celebs, Magic doesn't actually tweet himself, he gets one of his aids to do it for him.

credit to @KarisaMaxwell

Maybe it’s just a Washington team thing

This will go nicely with my white power tie!

“Good God, that’s the unemployment fraud investigator’s music!”