God, that last one is like a Monty Python sketch. It’s ex-ice cream! It’s ice cream pining for the fjords!
I’m glad you went easy on the guy. I mean who are we to judge Joe Brown.
he had no one to defur
It’s not about diminishing her responsibility by claiming mental illness, it’s about understanding her motives and responsibility without burning her at the stake. All this fucking hatred directed at her doesn’t do anything. Show some restraint and wait for the story to develop before eviscerating the perpetrator.
look into the taint area of ur heart...and u will discover the most magical playground
This really is the world cup of spam and we’re issuing a red card.
That was the “Jump to Conclusions Mat” of burns.
This is so misleading, as usual. “Kill you” is just how Aaron Hernandez refers to losing weight.
If the Kia Tigers are anything like my Kia Optima, he was back there to help push.
He still made out better than most Koreans caught on the wrong side of an arbitrary line.
Polish American Football League isn’t exactly the sport played at its highest level,
I was hoping someone would mention this. They guy gets through his best friend dropping dead on the court, only for the clippers to make him suicidal... Ridiculous. The Clippers were just the worst.....
You won’t be so thrilled when they have a dog kissing a tree on Kiss Cam.
So, let’s get your logic here - Peter Angelos and his lawyer brethren are why we can’t get any of those well-paying “Asbestos Taste Tester” gigs anymore, and *that’s* why we’re struggling as a nation?
I’d say he’s more of a Willow Smith lookalike, what with his hair whipping back and forth and all.