
I didn't really care who wins on Sunday, but now I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than for Lynch to score 6 touchdowns, grab his crotch after every one, win the MVP, receive the trophy from Goodell and get interviewed on the podium after. IF THERE'S A JUST GOD THIS WILL HAPPEN.

In Australia, yes.

Yeah, that's Fox Sports Australia there. Luckily, Fox Sports in the US only has FS1, FS2, Deportes, Fox Sports Go and Fox Soccer Plus/ 2 Go.

Not only is there a Fox Sports 5, there's a beIN Sport 15! And y'all make fun of ESPN 8: The Ocho.

No, blame Joe. Just don't pretend this was a big conspiracy.

I, for one, am completely convinced by a sample size of 3 whole games.

Second time in his career he's taken a knuckler to deep left.

Its like getting robbed by a unicorn. A unicorn that sucks at basketball.

You sure can tell she wasn't an English teacher.

Imagine a conversation between Reggie Jackson and Ricky Henderson. Would that be in the sixth person or what?

I hope to god he just says "Fuck you" and starts training for the NFL.

The fact that they couldn't stabilize his spine shines a bright light on the dark side of India's cast system.

Hahahaha "Koko reacts to Two Girls, One Cup"

To be fair to Velasquez, he had just asked "what's the capital of Thailand?"

Those Cardinals fans love dominant pitching, but will gladly settle for three Ks.

When it comes to vile, bigotry-laced protests based on racial inequality in the United States, act like you've been there before.

Sorry, don't have time to watch a 25 minute video.

Well, they did have a grand Wizard at shortstop

These Cardinal's fans are doing things the white way.

Best Klans In Baseball