Nothing would make me happier than abolishing the entire editorial section and rebuilding from scratch. It’s a hot mess in that part of the woods.
Nothing would make me happier than abolishing the entire editorial section and rebuilding from scratch. It’s a hot mess in that part of the woods.
Feeling super relieved about Bezos owning the Post right now. The Grahams did a hell of a lot of good work. They were also always too close to their political subjects.
The fundamental lack of understanding Putin that’s going in responses to you is alarming. I don’t know what to say to convince people of what a threat he is, but you’re doing a great job of laying out the case against him.
For a while there, I forgot that Brody Jenner existed, but now I’m think VERY fondly back to The Hills. The mid-2000s were such an idyllic time.
I hadn’t heard about Laci Green and the red pilling until this comment, but I just watched that video and. . . hoo, boy. It seems like there’s a lot of going on in her life. Yikes.
I haven’t watched a single video of Trump’s victor being announced (thanks, potent combination of Twitter and Benadryl!) and I’ll be damned if I’m going to start with Piers Fucking Morgan.
The almost-President of the United States. :(
Do leggings count as pants if I want to make it clear to my bosses that I loathe them?
We downed a Syrian plane, and now the Russians have said US planes are targets. Great de-escalation there. Phenomenal job.
The Mother of All Bombs was Afghanistan.
I’d like Cunning to explain how Trump isn’t escalating Syria right, which is escalating Russia, but I always have unreasonable hopes.
Yup. I didn’t vote for him in 2013—I can’t say I regret that decision, given what Herring has done for progressives here—but I was excited to be able to vote for Fairfax this time around. Wasn’t a hard choice.
The Chinese have all of those fingerprints now, though. Right off the bat, there are millions of Americans whose fingerprints, and thus this program, are compromised.
Wasn’t it “The One that Got Away”?
I know it’s incredibly self-centered, but I don’t know that I’m ready for what they’ll try to do to her in a presidential campaign.
Pretty good juxtaposition here, though:
Ha! Thanks!
In both cases, it means that they follow a (lower case e) episcopal form of church governance, in that they’re led by bishops. The Episcopal Church, as best I know, is indifferent to it, because this other episcopal is modifying the Methodist. (And also Episcopalians usually hate conflict, so they’re not going to pick…
Isn’t a million bucks worth of hospital equipment, like. . . a bed and a couple of sheets?
Sure, but Nemtsov never turned out tens of thousands of protestors.* There’s danger in leaving someone like Navalny where others can find his body.