This is a terrible analogy and you should feel genuine shame over it.
This is a terrible analogy and you should feel genuine shame over it.
As Phil Ochs used to say about liberals, “Ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.”
That is the most generous definition of “nearly” that I’ve ever seen.
I still don’t know it! If you feel comfortable sharing, I’d love to hear it.
I also feel like I missed his original iteration, so the first I heard of him was from other commenters referencing a new handle. Which made it extra confusing.
I don’t really know anything about football in general, and I only care about this story because of the schadenfreude that comes from watching this team melt down (these fans are the worst fans), but does it actually matter that much if he’s drunk at games? I mean beyond the fact that it’s not a great look to be drunk…
But the white man’s pain, my friend. These portrayals much be rewarded.
Man, I loved Iron Will as a kid.
Also, some men don’t want to be teachers because it’s viewed as a feminine profession. It being a feminine profession is why it pays less. When women take over a male-dominated field, pay decreases.
As a one-time substitute teacher, those were also my hopes.
I’m honestly impressed with your self-restraint in ignoring it then.
It wasn’t a troll, I was intentionally parroting how Dr. King is used by assholes to shut down protest movements.
It was a jooooookkkkeeee. COME ON.
Dr. King never blocked any roads.
Obviously it’s Michael Cordero.
I like all your comments in this post, especially the one about not wanting to relitigate the election.
I’ma steal Pundit.
Which host? I only trust the straight shooter who’s respected on both sides.
I have high hopes for what we’ll see shortly from Barry.