
Yeah, that’s the exact illusion I’m talking about. Jeopardy isn’t some quest to find the wizened old man who has spent a lifetime amassing all the world’s most obscure knowledge. If it were, it’d be impenetrable to the average viewer. Instead, it’s designed so that a normal person playing along at home can get enough

I mean, it also helps that Jeopardy requires some actual smarts, whereas a lot of the other big game shows are basically just testing your knowledge of common letter frequency or basic probability. Even Price is Right loses out by having a bunch of its games basically be random chance rather than leaving it up to

I wish he had gone the way of the supergroup and stuck with Zwan. The record wasn’t great, but I just really like the idea of supergroups.

Despite all my rage. I'm still just an asshole in the greys. 

Here’s the thing, though, Trump is awful. He’s been awful for a president and he was a horrific candidate even before that. Least we forgot: grab her by the p***y, making fun of the reporter for having a disability, being a birther, refusing to show his taxes, the wall. It’s not like his badness was discovered since

but she doesn’t have to work with a Trump supporter, she has to *fuck* one.  i don’t think it’s a valid analogy.

I only watched each season once, but... didn’t they kind of deal with how the non-white wrestlers were being portrayed as ugly stereotypes? At least Welfare Queen, Fortune Cookie, and Beirut? As someone who watched wrestling a LOT in the 80s, and who’s kept up with what those poor bastards got up to later, it all

I mean to be fair, in addition to being racist, outside of the animated segments Song of the South is incredibly dull. Make no mistake, I agree they Song of the South should be featured with a disclaimer. Maybe even a documentary discussing the context of the movie. But the movie’s mystique is less about its quality

When you’re famous, they just let you do what you want.”

I’m Romanian, and I saw this with my family in the provincial town I grew up in. The theater was packed, and people were on their feet applauding after Bill Pullman’s speech. A whole bunch of non-Americans clapping and cheering a speech about the 4th of July, and I’m guessing most of them didn’t even know what that

As a fellow pedant, I appreciate you transparency.

Yeah, I loved The Knick, but it was so relentlessly brutal that it was exacerbating my depression. I had to pass on the last few episodes after reading spoilers about the ending. I guess I’d check out the revival though if it came back as a rock opera.

Must be nice living in a universe where pre-crime is a thing.

I mean, both are kinda required?

I wouldn’t say I can’t stand it, but I don’t see what the big deal is.

When I was growing up gender reveals didn’t involve explosions, just a trench coat and a bus stop.

Ray’s agent is either the devil in his ear, or the guy with a really big headache right now...

Edward Norton was the first to play The Hulk in the MCU, Eric Bana played him in the Ang Lee movie.

Yeah, the books are fucking batshit. Most egregiously because, instead of making Gump just sort of a hapless but amenable fellow, Gump:
1) looks like young Brad Pitt
2) is an idiot-savant in physics
3) can be mean and not a little bit sociopathic
4) and he ends up crash landing a fucking space shuttle onto a

Yeah, my guess is that the performer can hire their own trainer, their own nutritionist, etc., who then come up with a plan for signoff by Disney. Disney probably isn't concerned with how they get in shape, just that they get there on time and maintain it for the shoot.