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    The film actually is specifically set in the year 1980.

    She kept that monster’s name?

    Can’t say I’ve watched every show HBO has broadcast but this certainly hasn’t been normal practice for them historically.  The trigger warnings on Oz would have been... extensive.

    Those have historically been a network television thing, having a big “viewer discretion advised” warning beyond the usual “TV-MA” screen is not normal on HBO outside of this show.

    Which was itself basically Charlie’s Angels...

    By “guy they don’t torture” you mean “guy they stop torturing for a little while to do a good cop/bad cop thing?

    You... go to different bars than I do.

    “specifically, the comedian posted a video to his Twitter feed today in which he bluntly states that “I do not think J.K. Rowling is anti-Semitic. I did not accuse her of being anti-Semitic. I do not think the Harry Potter movies are anti-Semitic.”

    IDK, the release strategy is kind of interesting but it is sort of nuts to call it a 2021 film given that people who didn’t see it in festivals are likely not going to be able to see it until well into 2022.  Like, do they even have a schedule anywhere of where it’s going to go?

    There were ways to see Nomadland and Minari in 2020 (there were some virtual cinema screenings) and The Father did get a qualifying run in LA.

    If they really want to distance themselves from Rowling they could maybe try taking up a real sport...

    DJ Kool Herc

    Hip hop has only really existed for something like 45 years, so that’s mathematically unlikely.  Like, the guy usually credited with inventing the genre is only 66.

    Drake-Oh.  Not really sure why the “E” is there.


    Ben Affleck making a movie with a girlfriend... when has that ever gone wrong?

    I think what distinguishes it from other sketch shows is that the bulk of it is produced week to week and performed live instead of having things pre-recorded weeks ahead of time like most sketch shows, which keeps things topical and gives the central cast a bit more comradery but also means that a lot of not great

    SNL basically only matters because of its longevity or legacy, not because it has a good format that makes sense to start up from scratch somewhere in the 21st Century.

    You could say he’s been given a sort of license... to kill.

    I’m saying they don’t, and in the case of the antiemetic grocery store cashier I doubt that a statement like that is going to show up on a background check even if they did one.