
Having said that I don’t think Boyega should necessarily be angry at Johnson so much as he should be angry at the very stupid idea to conduct this whole trilogy without having a clear plan in place from the beginning and Abrams definitely deserves some of the blame for that. It’s pretty much impossible to have

Bigger question: why would a TWELVE YEAR OLD do this?

People are always rage-quitting New York. And the answer’s always the same: “Moving to Florida? Good for you! I wish I could say you’ll be missed, but I’m sure the person who takes over your apartment will be pretty cool, too.”

The longer this goes on and the more petty it becomes, the more I’m undecided if this a real abusive situation for most of the staff or just a bunch of boo hoo hoo “I have a boss that’s mean.”

Is it necessarily a mistake to make Hammond amiable? The idea that people with too much money need to be evil to fuck things up is, IMHO, a more dangerous notion.

Indeed. I can’t bring myself to fault Spielberg for not going with the cheap evil-industrialist cliche, whatever modern sentiments might crave.

Man, I hope this $30 for a movie thing doesn’t become the norm, since while I guess it’s a good deal for families and such compared to multiple tickets, for weirdo loners like me who went to movies by myself it totally sucks.

“It’s insane for teen girls to sit outside a hotel to see someone they like or cry at a concert, but grown men go to sports matches and have season tickets and swear at each other, and we are ridiculed,” Ewens writes. Fandom doesn’t suddenly become more rational when it’s centered around the home team or a comic book

I dont get the hate for jury duty. It’s an extra paid day off- last time i had jury duty I went in, sat in a room and read a book for a few hours and then they dismissed me.  The time I was on a jury, it lasted 2 days, the whole process was fascinating, we rendered a verdict and went home. It was a nice little

Nope, no similarity at all...

bikers are so corny. absolutely one of the lamest kinds of adult. 

The thing is, all these idiots are gonna go home afterward, spreading whatever vile contagion they picked up there.

I insist that in QT’s next film he have a zoom of our male lead as the lead whips off his glasses.

Spielberg can do a trunk POV shot.

The only levelheaded take on here so far.

“Toxic.” A word that, like “racist,” “fascist,” “-istphobic,” and all the rest, has been so over-mis-used so as to lose not only it’s meaning, but it’s sting.

Wait, is Dave Chappelle allowed to be friends with people the AV Club isn't friends with?

I’ve watched a lot of Phil Collins music videos in lockdown, for some reason, and as much as I like the man’s music, he looks like a potato for most of his solo career. He definitely became more handsome as he got older.

“Walgreens manager” is weirdly too perfect. The green vest and a name tag... it seems to have always fit. He could definitely tell me which aisle the pill splitters are on.

Phil Collins and Bun E. Carlos are in that exclusive “drummers who look like they could be your accountant” club. I think there might be others but can’t think of them.

true..haha he was always one of those 30 going on 50 guys