
Unfortunately, instead of ice cream and cars, he now wants people to give up soy sauce and RDR2. I’ll be honest; the soy sauce thing I don’t get. That he would want them to give up the game seems like a reference to Rockstar’s poor treatment of workers who were rushed to finish it, and the fact that most people

yes, there’s a whole 20 minute sequence where they break it down. it definitely makes the movie way better. 

This, along with a lot of other arguments against Cartman, don’t take into account that he is a known, literal piece of SHIT, and the most universally despised character among the main friends/group for being a racist homophobe. It’s like characters from It’s Always Sunny, they can be bigots and selfish narcissists,

I don’t know why this thread is getting lost in the shuffle because it has to be among the dumbest points in the history of the avclub. Nobody show this guy It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia...or any other show with a funny but unambiguously terrible character.

Yeah i’m sure you have a lot of insight into what “some people” think. 

Do you also need them to address the fact that Cartman’s a demon-possessed sociopath who was alternatively anti-ginger and pro-murdering all non-gingers, fed a kid his parents in a chili, and tried to get cthulhu to destroy the world over getting kicked out of a pretend superhero group?

Kind of like America’s current main character?

Wow are you ever not smart. 

You seem pretty boring as it happens. 

I know it’s fun to knock on NBC for this, but you can kind of see how they thought this would work out: Kelly had a hit cable show with a nice-sized audience, probably strongest among demographics NBC doesn’t usually get, so it looked like an opportunity to grow their audience. That’s worth money.

So, I never did understand that joke in Home Alone.  Aftershave does not burn badly enough to scream...

Actually slack is terrible and so is everybody who uses it. 

It’s Barsanti. He does literally zero fact-checking, and his articles generally have at least one glaring error like this.

The security guy handled it well. He doesn’t say a word to Kiedis at the start; he just escorts him out of the seating area and into an aisle. Only then does he tell Kiedis that he’s being kicked out, and Kiedis reacts angrily. But not as angrily as he’d have reacted if the guard had told him at the seating area that

Do you think the term “witch hunt” should only be used for people who are literally accused of being witches?

“Quibi is a dumb name.”

“Quibi is a dumb name”


I don’t know. People mess up (and are messed up). I’m not in the position to hire or dismiss Mel Gibson, but I don’t hate the idea of him getting another chance.

Now playing

“Muppet Faces of Death” is one of my favorite Conan segments:

I remember there being a weird lack of hype for Batman Begins - I didn’t even see it until it came out on DVD. Not sure whether that’s because of Batman and Robin or what. Contrast that with the insane juggernaut that was the lead up to The Dark Knight and the film feels almost low-key by comparison.