
Why don’t you upload a photo of yourself, so we can all make presumptions about your potential for sexual assault.

One of the things about Empire Strikes Back that everyone misses- the hyperdrive in the Millennium Falcon is broken. Bespin is close to Hoth, but not in the same system. So,the journey from Hoth to Bespin took a long time- possibly months, but definitely weeks. So, Luke was on Dagobah, getting trained for at least a

Yeah, people are reaching and saying it never mattered and we created it. It’s a bunch of crap. People are defending the plot holes like crazy and it’s getting pretty sad.

I don’t really take issue with subverting tropes, but when you spend almost all of the film setting up these tropes just to knock them down... you don’t have much of a story left.

How were they anything but a mystery?

Imagine if they had actually thought things out ahead of time and didn’t introduce the all powerful wizard dude in the first place and focused on the actual human instead of doing a pointless fakeout that served no purpose.

The original trilogy had the benefit of having no (at the time) story line baggage. You can set the initial backdrop of an empire and emperor because, sure, why not?

I’m very ok with Rey being nobody, but I feel Snoke should have been explained or some hints dropped at least.

I get the Emperor had no backstory, but Snoke appearing after the galaxy was scourged of Jedi or Force users after Order 66 seems like he as an interesting story on how he became Supreme Leader of the First

someone who thinks every major character needs a lengthy expository scene revealing their entire history

How is it a problem with Episode VII? Like Rian says in this interview, it would make no sense for Finn or Rey or even Kylo to unveil the full extent of who Snoke is because, assumingly, they wouldn’t no either. But you know who would know who Snoke is, or where he came from, or how he rose to power? Luke Freaking

If you had a bunch of theories about Snoke’s origin, or his plans for Rey and the First Order, Johnson doesn’t want you to feel stupid. It’s just that he didn’t see any place for it in his film

The thing that bothers me with not explaining Snoke is that it makes the whole Star Wars universe incredibly depressing. It means the saga never really ends. No matter how completely you kill the “last sith”, a completely new and ultimate villain can just pop out of the ether to kill and/or corrupt your heroes’

The formation of the First Order is explained in the new canon books. My advice is to go over to Wookieepedia to catch up on the outside-the-movies canon.

The issue is that it doesn’t make sense that some sort of Force-powerful non-Sith existed during the time of films we’d already seen. Either The Force Awakens exists within the mythology of the world and Snoke/First Order is a frustratingly non sequitor plot point. Or it’s its own thing, which makes the other 80% of

Except they haven’t tried to make the galaxy big in this new trilogy. There was never a sense that either the Resistance or the First Order are fighting over thousands of planets. Look at the scale of this movie. The First Order, terror of the galaxy, has this one fleet. The Resistance is down to a few hundred people.

The major difference between Snoke and Palpatine is we don’t know how long Palpatine had been working on things, how he rose to power, how he became the Emperor, what the situation was in the first place, nothing. He could have been around for 15 years, 50 years, 100 years... who knows? Everyone knew him and everyone

But there are only three generations of Skywalkers. It’s not like they’re a hereditary monarchy. They’re not House Targeryn. Not to mention the fact that Anakin was a nobody. And they’ve already established that there are other Force users in the galaxy. And Palpatine didn’t come from a special family and he took over

To be honest, setting aside Snoke, the coked-up CEO of Dark Force Users, Inc., I mostly wanted to know what the heck “The First Order” actually is, in the context of these films. Are they an invading force made up of the remnants of the Empire? How much power do they actually possess, and where are they getting their

But what was he doing, for instance, during Return of the Jedi? He’s seemingly old enough to have been around then. His problem is the same as The First Order’s problem... the ending of Return of the Jedi makes it unlikely that they’d be in power, so not drawing that line is a failure of TFA.

“but maybe let’s all be glad someone who thinks every major character needs a lengthy expository scene revealing their entire history isn’t directing these things.”