The theme song better be note perfect.
The theme song better be note perfect.
This is a federal court, so the focus is on charges involving moving victims across state lines and the like. I think he has charges pending in various states separately.
This thing seems like “live action remake of the Lion King” levels of unnecessary.
Eh, I think Ditko was more of a true believer on that. Like, they say he quit drawing Spider-Man because it was depicting self-made titan of industry J. Jonah Jameson as a fool.
For what it’s worth if you look up Steve Ditko’s politics (which I don’t recommend) you will find that he was also probably a fan of HUAC.
Also the killer does a bunch of shit that can basically only be explained as supernatural, but when he’s revealed he just seems to be a live human being.
Well look at you being all “reasonable” and shit.
Well, you clicked on the article so...
Colbert also talked through three rounds of playoff music.
If people don’t want award speeches cut short by playoff music they need to stop endlessly complaining that award ceremonies run “too long” like clockwork every year. Guess what they’re trying to do by cutting short speeches... trying to make the show not run as long.
I disagree!
I agree that its obvious that not every force sensative person should necessarily be a child of a Jedi, but Rey was not an ordinary Jedi (and neither was Luke and neither was Kylo). If you’re going to make Rey a “chosen one” there should be some reason for it, especially if you’re going to make a big mystery of it in…
Does Beavis and Butthead even run in syndication? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it channel surfing. Music rights issues perhaps?
I was also among the people who thought it was cool before it came back... in my defense I was 15. When it actually did come back my interest disappeared overnight and I find the damn thing entirely loathsome now.
Quite the opposite, the point of a project like this is to be outrageous enough to get press like this and thus draw eyeball to it to “see what all the fuss is about.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger age: 74
There’s also nothing in the study suggesting that someone can’t get re-infected two weeks later, or two months, or whatever. It’s just a matter of probabilities, and playing dice with people’s lives is a bad thing to do. The delta variant is more contagious rather than less, insisting that a whole new study be done on…
Also she should just get the damn vaccination to avoid spreading the virus to all the people she interacts with when doing whatever she’s doing when she’s not attending the Met Gala.
Not true
TTIFU by causing a worldwide increase in vaccine skepticism by desperately lying to cover-up the STD I got from banging a stripper in Port of Spain.