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    On one hand, anyone well versed in the history of Jazz is not going to be impressed by what Kenny G does. On the other hand, maybe it’s unfair to hold every jazz musician to the standard of John Coltrane and the genre would be more popular if there was room in it for stuff you could appreciate without knowing what “syn

    I waited a week to see that hoping I could get into a screening with very few other people... didn’t really work.  Screening I went to looked like it would only have four other people when I bought the tickets but by the time the movie started the place was half full.  

    So is the idea here that “Latin music” is less of a music genre than it is simply a designation for music performed by people descended from Latin American countries? That seems odd.


    Ummm... I’m not really seeing a whole lot of difference between these two accounts of the firing.  He says she made an ultimatum that it was either “him or me” and she says that she quit the band until he was fired which is... kind of the same thing as saying it’s either “him or me.”  I mean, he may well have deserved

    But it’s highly unlikely that releasing it under the original terms (theaters only, pandemic be damned) that she would have hit her benchmarks either.

    But her bonus isn’t based on profit, it’s based on total box office benchmarks. Theater revenue counts just as much towards her benchmarks as D+ revenue does even though Disney only actually makes 40% profit off of it, so in that way she actually gets the upside of that comparison.

    Disney presumably wanted to be making pre-pandemic money on this movie too but... that wasn’t to be. At a certain point both parties were taking a risk assuming that the worldwide box office wasn’t going to be disrupted by some sort of disaster, but it was, and I don’t think it’s completely unreasonable for both

    I agree that to some extent we can’t really truly know much of anything without actually having lawyers interpreting the actual contract but at the end of the day that’s what the lawsuit is for. Ideally I would have preferred if everyone just let the courts figure this all out but since we live in a time when everyone

    Next paragraph he phrases it as ““We treated Disney Premier Access (revenue) like box office for the purposes of the bonus requirements in the contract. That only enhanced the economics for Ms. Johansson


    But did they really “screw over” ScarJo? It’s been reported repeatedly that Disney+ revenue was being included with regular box office toward her contract bonus benchmarks. Given pandemic era box office returns it’s likely that a “theaters only” release (which seems to be what she’s claiming they should have done) woul

    IMDY is in fact on HBO Max.  It didn’t start airing until summer 2020 so if it wasn’t there at the beginning of the pandemic that’s probably why.

    I’m not sure that I would expect any TV network to let people retain copywrite for much of anything that they finance.  Like, unless you produce something independently an then shop the completed project out to a streamer to simply distribute it I doubt that’s something you’re ever likely to retain.  

    The story was that he got angry and yelled at him when he learned that his then girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow was one of Weinstein’s victims back in the 90s.  Clearly he cooled down and compartmentalized it later.

    The estate of the “Happy Birthday” writers basically did exactly that for a very long time.

    I get moving Top Gun and Mission Impossible, they’re huge movies and you can’t take risks with those investments... but Jackass?  That should be cheap enough to risk a COVID release on.

    That would require a qualified host to remain unemployed and on stand-by for years on the off chance Trebek croaked, which is kind of an extreme thing to do for a job that involved reading questions on a teleprompter. And once Trebek had the cancer diagnosis it would have been kind of tacky to start the hunt for a

    Who is “we?”  The dude managed to fill three stadiums with people in the middle of a pandemic in order to listen to a pre-recorded album.  It’s pretty obvious that the people of the world are going to continue to pay attention to him no matter what “we” do.