
Is it hilarious or sad that there’s more hand wringing over a simple protest gesture than there was after a player knocked his wife unconscious in an elevator and then dragged her down a hallway like a sack of trash?

No we love it! There are so many Cardinal fans out there that we have every type. Not like your fair weather fans.

Can verify, it does. that god damn asshole ruined the internet.

Apparently you never learned about the Trail of Tears.

Clearly this only thing that is going to prevent something like this from happening is for us, as a country, to double down and really dedicate ourselves to sending houghts and prayers.

Actually, airlines do adjust their pricing daily, sometimes hourly, based on demand. If I want to buy a seat today for a flight next week, it’s going to cost me a hell of a lot more than it would have if I bought it 2 months ago if that flight is in-demand. Hell it’s going to cost even more if an event is announced

The only joy in baseball left is dipshits whining about unwritten rules.

Baseball: a sport where a serious man gets upset at his opponent for not helping one of his own guys play better.

It’s very disrespectful to baseball to see people enjoying themselves. I wish these players would read the unwritten rule book and act like professionals.

It’s Gore-Tex!

It’s Gore-Tex!

Nine or ten? I’m 50. Still waiting for my mom to give me the sex talk.

You wouldn’t be alone to assume that Texas is a lost cause. But It’s still a state where Hillary got nearly 44% of the vote. That’s a 2 point increase over Obama in 2012. Trump in comparison lost 5 points compared to Romney in 2012...

I’ve liked this guy ever since he got onto my radar (I don’t live in TX but my family does so my cousin is into him). The less Ted Cruz in my government the better. I don’t matter since I don’t vote in TX but hey.

You seem to not understand that the point of bringing this up is because white people will literally hear the same situation about a Black person and have absolutely zero fucks to give about it right?

His wife, a high school English teacher, says her free speech is being infringed upon by social media.

The next time someone complains that violence is not the answer, ask them why the hell we as a culture glorify war heros, football and the second ammendment. Violence is THE American answer.

I really liked this article, it was good. It is worth noting that it wasn’t that good. 

it’s worth noting what he’s missing.

Jemele has a right to her personal opinions, but not to publicly share them on a platform that implies that she was in any way speaking on behalf of ESPN.

I feel like it’s pretty clearly the second one.