
I believe it to be a tragic, self-perpetuating cycle. Someone thinks their ass skin is too pure to be sullied by contact with the toilet seat. So they hover over the seat for their shits* thus spraying onto the back of the seat. This then of course reinforces their idea that the toilet seat is too disgusting and

I knew PG was great and had top-1o level talent (he battled LeBron toe-to-toe during the Pacer-Heat battles), but I didn’t think he was that great. The man is the best two-way player in the league. Last night he was toying with the Warriors.

“Which doesn’t explain the Space Nuns, but whatever.”

Vegetarian propaganda? Yes, that’s what it was. Not just a simple joke. Normally, I’d reserve this language for my mom at the table during Christmas dinner, but go fuck yourself.

Turning a joke into vegetarian propaganda...

“Anyway, like I was sayin’, porgs are the fruit of the sea.

To be fair, the guy deserved it. Plus we don’t know exactly what Snoke was. Just that he was a dark side users of some strength and a total troll towards Hux, Kylo and Rey.

My wife didn’t realize he was eating a porg, she thought they just wanted his food, lmfao

I thought “oh, Luke looked right down the barrel of that lightsaber the first time he saw it, too!”

Which doesn’t explain the Space Nuns, but whatever.

I loved them. I also don’t have a stick up my ass and a chip on my shoulder.

You must be fun at parties...

Talk about turning lemons into merchandizable lemons.  

Honestly, anyone that legitimately believes the porgs were a major concern worth arguing about need to fuck off. If you don’t like them, fine, whatever. If you throw a bitch fit at people that say they do like them you have a fucking problem.

Probably unpopular opinion: I thought the porgs were great

Thank you for this post, I think I understand this movie better. I walked out of TLJ hating it and I now realize it’s because it took a lot of classic Star Wars tropes and either threw them out or turned them on their head, for better or worse. It’s essentially the most un-Star Wars movie ever made. I’m gonna watch it

Rey’s parents only mattered in TFA because they mattered to Rey. It wasn’t because they were actually someone important. Every orphan wants to believe their parents were secretly superheroes and that’s why they were abandoned. No one wants to believe their parents didn’t want or love them.

“Rey’s parents? Don’t matter.”

I feel it’s the exact opposite. It’s the most heartbreaking thing Rey could have heard in that moment. Her whole reason for staying on Jakku as long as she did was with the hope that her parents were coming back for her. Being confronted with the fact that she was wrong matters deeply.

R2D2 doing an explicit call-back to A New Hope and Luke sighing and telling him that that’s a cheap move.

Poe: What are you doing, Maz?