
Think I’ve teared up three times reading this site: Mike’s struggle with gaming addiction, Mike’s story about being in a coma, and today reading this tribute.

Thank you—and thanks Mike, rest well, you made a lot of people happy. Truly Fahey was the best of us.

If you skipped to the comments please notice the GoFundMe link the editors posted at the end.

Nazi bastards like Joshua Moon and his ilk can fuck right off into the nearest bottomless pit or black hole and remove themselves from the universe and existence forever.

There’s an appreciation post on Reddit with 3.2k upvotes and here on Kotaku people are having to find out via the comments. I can’t remember the last time I was so disappointed in a website. 

Would have had no idea if I hadn’t seen your comment. What a massive shame, was one of the bright spots on Kotaku back in the day.


It’s been a few days now and there’s no acknowledgement of Fahey’s passing. I’m very disappointed in the current Kotaku staff.

I’m glad your comment got published. Now everyone knows you’re unhinged. 

Fuck you people are fucking insane

See you tomorrow at this site that you hate.

This may be the dumbest comment I’ve seen on here.

“I’m beginning to think that these are Seinfeld assets. They’re about nothing,” Cramer said on Tuesday in a reference that’s over 30 years old.

I don’t think anyone is saying they don’t have the right to do that, I think we’re saying they should not do that and there should be social repercussions for it.

dammit this is good lol

To go with the lingo...

Your theory makes a lot more sense than what we got in the article.

Oh they don’t care that someone is great a video game in general; they are only mad because this is a woman. They feel threatened by a girl being better than them, which is both ridiculous and sad.

I guess I have two things to say here

I like that they all had boat theming, like the full extent of thought behind this was “what if LITERALLY Sailor Moon?”

“I’d call it an improvement! It looks like a normal cartoon and not one of those weird Chinese ones!” -American audiences, circa 1994