
I tried to watch this. I really did. However, I only got 6-7 minutes into it before I had to stop. It’s horrible & the world is better off this never moved forward.

Is there a word for when something makes you want to cry and puke at the same time, while also looking for the fastest way to lobotomize yourself?

In 1999 I watched the blurry shakey-cam Saban Moon trailer video for the first time. When it was finished, my PC abruptly blue screened, and I was forced to reinstall Windows. I remain convinced that my PC was trying to commit technological suicide after being forced to process that video, and I have never attempted

The second game is listed as “early access” on Steam and I’m not gonna lie, that messed me up. Fuck cancer.

And it should be an afterthought. This is a Japanese film made by Japanese people, primarily (but not exclusively) for a Japanese audience. English localization is the job of the western companies which license it, not the original production team.

The new graphics version of Zuck still looks like shit.

Could be a problem with the source material though.

Standard gaming industry rate is ~10K per person when calculating budget, which takes into account hardware/software, place to work, wages, etc. So that’d be 50 people working for 1 month. Or 70 people working for about 3 weeks. So yeah, definitely not hiring in an NA/EU country.

The more people getting screwed over by crypto grifts the more awareness gained about it. I love to see it too.

You love to see it.

You talk about people “getting upset over colored bars on a flag”, as if a flag is just an arrangement of colors and shapes - but I imagine you yourself would get upset over a flag with four intersecting bent black bars set into a white circle on a red background, yeah? Flags are symbols of other, larger things.

The funniest no-spiders mod I’ve ever seen was for one of the Thief games. It went something like, it gave every spider 1HP, made them friendly, made all other NPCs hostile to them, killed them at the beginning of the level, changed their model to a rock, made them invisible and teleported them outside the map

It’s funny that the people who call others sensitive snowflakes are the ones getting upset over colored bars on a flag to the extent they have to mod them out.

Real “you calling out my racism makes you the *real* racist” energy.

I mean this isn’t exactly the same as modding out spiders in Skyrim or Darksiders.

To be fair, Vegeta being uninterested in any of this until he heard Goku took up dance as part of his training would be true to both of their character.

even for kids born in the 80s you still had stuff like battle of the planets, voltron, ulysses 31 and other odd imported or recut japanese shows

I see. I think you’re an absolute idiot for thinking that, so I guess we’ve come full circle.

My wife’s family is hispanic, and comes from a family of fieldworkers. her grandfather originally snuck across the border in a baggage train, her grandmother was literally born and raised in a barn, and/or hte back of a pickup truck. She was pulled out of school after the 5th grade to work in the fields.

I appreciate your saying, but he does know. He was pretty devastated when he found out the person he’d swapped with had given him a lot of fakes, but has decided he’s going to keep them anyway.

Complete with images of Trump pointing at things.