
I’m not suggesting that we are imminently close to establishing commercially viable fusion and ITER is going to be the facility that shows it. I don’t think I wrote anything of the sort.

Just to be clear, I don’t think $20B is as expensive as you might think it is. Most estimates put a new nuclear powerplant cost around $12B~$17B.

I have nostalgia for my dad driving me and my little sister to the local blockbuster on a weekend, perusing the aisles looking for something to watch together.

Kinda surprised Redbox was able to hang on till now. Astonished someone would pay $375M for Redbox in 2022.

Idk, if a scammer dupes certain super-wealthy people by taking advantage of their greed, it upsets me less than a person going after an elderly pensioner with dementia.

So in theory, if you had a forever young star, could you potentially have a “forever earth”—a planet with water, oxygen, in the habitable zone that stays that way in literal perpetuity?

Most of the people who fall for the romance scams are elderly people who are lonely.

The risks of complications with local anesthesia are far, far lower than general anesthesia. And though rare, complications with general anesthesia are very easily catastrophic, like brain damage or death—you can stop breathing or choke.

Developers have moms too!

I use Alexa for exactly 2 things. Setting timers (for which it is remarkable convenient). And making grocery lists.

Agreed, Wit Studio doesn’t have a lot of misses.  If any studio can make the Suicide Squad anime work, you can’t do much better than them.

I did not.  There goes a few more brain cells.

I once checked out a flat earth theory website just out of morbid curiosity.  The “light bending” theory was about as far as I could get before I could audibly hear my braincells dying, so you’ll have to go do your own research.

Flat Earthers have developed a whole theory built around the idea that air bends light in weird ways that prevent people from seeing far.

It’s fascinating how BIG stuff is in space.  like solar flares many times the size of earth.

It’d be kinda funny if this was like the medieval Kings of England, where every important person is named Edward, Charles or Richard.

Taking a product from Customer A, and giving it to Customer B who’s willing to pay more generates zero economic value.

Now, I don’t mean to discount the danger of quicksand. Like if there’s a warning sign that says “Do not enter Quicksand zone” like you should take that seriously.

I suppose Grifting isn’t exactly the right word, since grifting implies illegal—which isn’t true.

I put these people in the same category as scalpers, or people who bought up toilet paper for resale during the pandemic.