They retranslated the original Japanese script, per the article above.
They retranslated the original Japanese script, per the article above.
As a reader of the manga, avoiding any spoilers, I’ll just note by the end of this arc, Olmar (Ketil’s good for nothing spoiled son) was one of my favorite characters.
My two cents as a professional Japanese - English translator.
If you mean this as a way of indicting Paul for his negligence and lack of responsiblity in purchasing the pig, I would agree.
Other people really, really seem to love Suletta, but honestly, she’s been a huge letdown for me (unpopular opinion). The bubbly happy go lucky personality of Suletta reallllly doesn’t do it for me.
For a bit of context, under Japanese copyright law, “fair use” doesn’t exist. At all. Parody, change of purpose and such are standard in the EU and the US IP law, none of it applies within Japan.
I’m happy they’re planning on doing a full 46 episodes, because I actually feel like Urusei Yatsura REALLY hits its stride midway through it’s run. Ryunosuke (aka proto-ranma) and her dad are probably my favorite characters, and they probably don’t even make an appearance till like episode 15 or 20.
Totally agree with this one.
Um, well, while I don’t disagree with your main point:
This is true, but I’m just talking about Japanese corporate culture. I’ m not saying Japaense companies are right to do this, merely explaining WHY they tend to act this way.
It’s quite complicated and I’m not sure I quite understand it well myself (I’m an American attorney). I believe you have it right that in Japan, truth is not a defense against defamation—unless, apparently, the revealing of truth has public purpose/benefit.
It is a fascinating aspect to Japanese culture and law.
Speaking as an attorney that works with Japanese companies a lot, there are 2 areas of law where Amerian and Japanese law differ A LOT.
It depends on context. Some people chronically overexplain very simple concepts, taking way too much time to get to a simple point.
He’s not even smiling as he walks off, he has a total deer in headlights look lol.
Every time I think of Brokeback Mountain, I think about my wife’s stepdad who’s a big fan of Westerns who went to see it shortly after it came out, not knowing at all what it was about.
I mean... he could... not fire them? And take a paycut? Sell shares to put money back into the company?