
I don’t know UK law, but at least in the US, this is pretty clearly fair use. If he went to trial, he would almost certainly win.

At least in the US, getting a small firm in IP law to represent you and go to trail will cost you in the ballpark of $30k (highly optimistic) to $50 or 60k or much more. Again, in the US you

Thank you for the memories. RIP...

This article makes me feel 140 years old. I text with my wife like 10-20 times a week, 90% of which consists of her reminding me what to pick up at the grocer.

In any other year. But my GAWD, Chainsawman. I mean holy shit.

Apparently, he died of vitamin B1 deficiency (AKA beri-beri). Which could have been resolved with soemthing as simple as serving brown rice, instead of white rice.

I am about to turn 39 and am fully in the I am not learning new shit just so I can use a new piece of technology, I’m too fucking busy phase of my life.

My 4 year old son, who has no concept of money or really much about gaming, thinks it’s the coolest place in the world.

I mean sure. This is far more serious and Lenovo/Intel are gonna get the shit sued out of them.

It’s also kind of funny that the idea behind hte message is not

our product is so dogshit, we won’t even use our own product, so we need to make it better.

I’m 38, and I felt a 150 years old asking my young 12 year old nephew “so you want gift cards for this Roblox thing. errr what is Roblox? (subtext: not porn right, your mom isn’t going to kill me?)“

The first 5 points require some education and intellgience to comprehend how they are true.

Between paying $70 or even $80 for a game, and getting F2p mechanics and microtransactions, give me a $70 game any fucking day.

I wonder how many catastrophic failures of NFT based games it will take before crypto bros realize it isn’t working and move on to a different grift.

Almost all evidence to suggests that there was substantially more danger to unattended kids 30 years ago than today.

Ah Muvluv Alternative, the weirdest secret B plot to a generic bishoujo visual novel there ever was.

Allow me to mention, as a guy who spent 3 years living in Japan with it’s universal public healthcare system, that this si also one of hte shitty side effects of America’s insistence on private health insurance instead of single payer.

Most Gacha games prohibit transferring of assets between accounts, so even if you get a rare item, it’s usually impossible to sell for money, unless you sell the entire account (which some people do, but not that commonly).

It’s pretty sad. I used to be a huge fan of the NBA 2k franchise, I bought a copy every year from 2k11 - 2k18. After 2k18, I decided the next time I buy a copy of NBA 2k will be the version they remove microtransactions.
Haven’t bought a copy since.

Gambling addiction has very little to do with whether you are rich or poor. It has a lot to do with the way your brain’s reward circuitry is wired—namely, what’s called the “near miss” reward circuit.

No, it wasn’t that this was a controversial concept, or an ideal that was only followed by a few people. Samurai in the 1300s idealized the idea of pragmatism. The whole idea of “loyalty to death” as a beautiful ideal didn’t even really exist until the late 1600s. A samurai and his lord was a mutually beneficial