
It’s difficult. FF16 isn’t a failure, but it is an indicator of something of which Square should take take heed. The fact that the Japanese fanbase is so ambivalent is worrisome because, believe it or not, overseas consumers buy Final Fantasy games for much the same reasons that Japanese consumers do. The criticisms

Maybe they don't consider it worth the investment until MS comes at em with the gamepass money

That’s the question people have been asking for literal years and the answer, for most developers and most games, is that it doesn’t work.

It is when you’re making the case that you need to buy outside parties to compete against these successful IPs, despite owning multiple million selling IPs which, for some reason, have mostly recently fallen into disrepair.

Sony’s major third party exclusives amount to a drop in the bucket of what MS buying Activision Blizzard would result in. Do people really think a large segment of gamers are missing Street Fighter 5 or FF7 Remake on Xbox?

Leave it to gaming enthusiasts to question why allowing a company known for chasing monopolies to have one of the biggest publishers in the gaming industry. Sony’s stance against this is immaterial.

I don’t understand how you think Sony is on its last legs. They’re no longer in the days of the Walkman but they are very much still a competitive presence in several markets.

Nah, the writers and developers know what they’re doing. Just because a producer and a few execs are out of touch doesn’t mean the tone and narrative is ill-fated. This game is five months from release and it’s too late for anything to compromise its “The boys from Home Depot get isekai’d” premise.

Literally what are you talking about. The only reason that game really failed is because the series creator’s own failed characterization of Samus didn’t match the preconception fans had of her.

It really would feel like that if Blackberry had just spent over two hardware generations handily outselling the iPhone.

I think it's more nuanced, in that Sony has obviously built an extensive homegrown library of titles and doesn't need to rely on slapdashedly buying a studio just because they can. 

He literally led a team that brought Final fantasy and Kingdom Hearts into relevance after corporate meddling fucked up both franchises. You’re funny.

I'd hardly call this a mess, come on dude. Xbox legitimately has an advantage here, but this is a minor inconvenience at worst.

I’d argue being able to see this at resolutions the switch can’t yet manage and potentially having haptic feedback makes a PS5 port worth it. Also by all accounts, this game won't be that meaty. 

This game really endeared Young Horses to me. It isn’t groundbreaking or genre-defining but it’s really weird, really fun and CHOCKFUL with lots of heart and charm.

I can definitely understand your frustrations with the game’s writing decisions; it does feel like the writers were reaching out in several directions

I thought the same thing when I saw the reveal but now I wish Sony would finally fucking let me buy shit I have on PS+ so that I can support Young Horses. This game was a perfect launch game to refresh my palate from the impressive but staid bigger games like Miles Morales.

Horrendous? Nahh. One of the first things that drew me in was the colorful and poppy look the game has. A majority of the Bugsnax and the Grumpuses have a pug quality to me—they’re ugly cute!

Versus XIII and XV are almost completely different games. This can be noted by a disparity in many things including key staff, gameplay, character designs, character motivations and the plot at large. FFXV has three credited writers and Nomura isn’t one of them so I don’t think it’s accurate to pin Nomura as the

It’s really neat knowing Remake has been cooking since the rest of Compilation FF7 projects were being released. It completely dismantles any argument that the creative team have no idea where the story’s headed.

Love when Advent Children discourse comes up so we can explore how people don’t remember what FFVII was about but it’s still somehow the best one “before Final Fantasy got bad.” If someone doesn’t *like* the way Advent Children continues the game’s story, that’s one thing. But people straight up don’t remember Cloud’s