Who the hell wants to come in first in Iowa? Losers, that’s who. I’ll tell you the state to win and that’s New Hampshire!
You’re always winning when you’re making up both the contest and the rules.
You're right. All of the cities are really segregated which is a huge problem because how education resources are distributed. I think one of the highest achieving public schools in NYS (Brighton) is just four miles away from one of the lowest achieving schools— with something outrageous like only 33% matriculating.
Don’t be confident. There is no call for confidence. Unless you live someone nice where the rest of the state hates you. Like Skaneatles or Manlius or something. But even Canandaigua is getting dicey. And the areas between the lakes— esp the big lakes— can be hell on earth. One sheriff said (off the record, to a…
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…
I’m taking credit for this. He’s been doing it for months and I finally got fed up and tweeted at her yesterday, and this morning her team issued a statement. Coincidence? PROBABLY. BUT MAYBE NOT.
This is why you live together before marriage, you need to learn their knowledge and moral character gaps before signing contracts.
I love you both.
That explains so much: Tiny Dick Finder.
I would pay all the money for this. I’m in a new city, and while I have good friends in the area, they’re about an hour away. I moved from where I had LOTS of friends and support to basically none in a place where it’s customary for me to get weird looks when I say hello to strangers, even if they’re the parents of…
VagINA Finder
That’s because the Broncos will own both end zones! - Fake hubris from scared shitless Broncos fan
Ciara already tried a Future upgrade; it didn’t take.
This motherfucker is so corny I swear Congress is gonna subsidize him in the next farm bill.
Zach Braff looks like the freshly kneaded dough version of David Duchovny.
I feel like when white folks complain about race issues, some are worried they’ll be treated the same way that minorities were treated for much of American history.
And I wanna say, “No, we won’t do that to you. We won’t set up specific race-based laws to keep you from working, running your own businesses, voting,…
Is that for real? Because if they stop taxing jockstraps and ties, they sure as shit better stop taxing bras and the enormous amount that I pay my tailor since apparently button down shirt makers refuse to acknowledge that many women have breasts