
I think the confusion regarding Necron as the final boss, is assuming he is the villain of the game. He’s not. Necron was not behind any of the events in the game at all. Kuja still remains the main villain.

Necron is simply a god that oversees all of creation and the crystal. After Kuja gave into deppression and

This is the same way I feel about Breath of the Wild lol. I couldn’t get into Red Dead 2's lackluster open world design, by comparison, as a result.

While I understand your sentiment and it is an enlightening point, I have so little free time as an adult that I feel as though any free time I have must be spent playing a critically lauded videogame.

Although it is impressive the limitless potential that Dream’s provide, I can’t help but feel as though it’s a waste of time.

I can’t help but feel butthurt at the thought of mainstream audiences watching “playing” this episode and thinking it’s genius, when they’ve never played a narrative RPG or Adventure game that does this kind of thing a million times better. I’m always kinda annoyed when ideas that games have been doing for decades

Oh god... I’m suffering PTSD from those damn forced Sudoku puzzles in Andromeda. I escaped ever having to play Sudoku in real life and it found it’s way into my favorite franchise, where I was forced to actually complete a Sudoku puzzle! DAMN YOU GAMING GODS!!!!! Seriously though....who’s idea was it to force the

“Its gee-whiz technical virtuosity has a built-in expiration date, and in ten years’ time, the cracks in its facades will be much more apparent.”

He has a navel. Mario is overweight, his shorts are covering his navel as they are pulled up above his fat roll. That’s what it looks like to me at least. He wears those shorts pretty high.

Video-games are an irrevocable part of modern culture, so yes it would constitute lack of cultural awareness.

I think the biggest part of why we feel this discrepancy is because the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, have the bonus of retrospection attached to it. Because we grew up in the 90s by the time we could learn about the past those years were already predefined in academia.

Uhhh...you can find all armor and weapons as rewards for doing quests or finding them in difficult to discover chests hidden throughout the world. I hardly bought anything with my Rupees in the game. So the game is designed the way you wanted it to be. You just happened to not discover things by exploring on your own.

That’s your opinion. And you’re stating it as if it’s a fact. I disagree. I find it far from amateurish and very intentional on their part.

What’s so bad about making it up as you go? lol. There are infinite ways a person can create a story or build a universe. Where is there a rule that a creator has to sit down and plan everything out beforehand. I enjoy that the Zelda timeline fluctuates and changes with each game, when new information is provided.

What’s so bad about making it up as you go? lol. There are infinite ways a person can create a story or build a universe. Where is there a rule that a creator has to sit down and plan everything out beforehand. I enjoy that the Zelda timeline fluctuates and changes with each game, when new information is provided.

The art directions and overall aesthetic and art looks exactly like the original. The whimsical characters and quirky eccentric musical vocals are all reminiscent of the original. It definitely felt like the original.

That’s awesome! I’ve been tempted to start a new file myself and was wondering whether I would enjoy doing it over as much as I did the first time. Cool to hear you say it’s just as fun. I didn’t rush the first time though.

Don’t wipe your file! Just make a new Switch profile to start a new file. Sorry for the unsolicited advice, it’s just the thought of losing over a hundred hours of Breath of the Wild progress makes me shudder.

Although I agree with these 25, I looked at the top 100 and how in the hell is Lord of the Rings not on there!!!??? That just makes absolutely no sense. Return of the King garnered 11 academy awards and is known as having influenced cinema forevermore. I truly do not understand how no critics even mentioned them. If

Yeah, except the reason why the women feel compelled to publicly lash out at their men for earning less than them, is because the women have also been raised their entire lives to believe that men need to be the bread winners. Issues of masculinity and gender roles are not exclusively limited to the gender that

He is a deeply tragic figure, this Link, a boy who's had his identity stolen from him twice: once at the end of Ocarina of Time, when he is suddenly no longer a hero, and again at the beginning of Majora's Mask, when the Skull Kid steals his face and turns him into a grotesque little scrub. At the beginning of the