
You know...that Miyamoto explanation that they're all actors really makes sense when you start to think about past Mario games. Several Mario games start with a curtain rising and what appears to be a stage. And often times the levels themselves look like they're made out of wood or other prop making material. Think

The Citadel is 45,000 meters long, so it wouldn't even fit in this chart.

Fez. All of it. You do not kill not one living thing in all of Fez. That moment when I first stepped foot into Fez's beautifully self-aware gaming wonderland, I was absolutely absorbed. Due in combination to Disasterpiece's haunting midi/synth soundtrack and Phil Fish's masterful art direction and level design.

No worries, it was good to read. And yes, I was really surprised when I discovered IX and XII were made by the same director. It made total sense once I discovered that though. I don't like Toriyama's writing style at all! It's totally devoid of subtlety, unlike XII's excellently written and subtle script! People tend

This times infinity!!! IX was also my favorite FF until I played XII and then XII became my favorite!!! Leave it to us to always have to defend against all the haters! Pretty amusing to love both the games everyone hates lol.


In those games those fights were preordained though. Hardly any more unexpected in its franchise than it was to face the Imprisoned or Bilocyte. They're surprising because they go against what previous games in that franchise had done, both in RE and Zelda.

I don't agree. You're forgetting the fact that all those locations were very much part of the overworld and not inside a dungeon. That's what made these battles unexpected. Especially Bilocyte, when you're flying around Levias. Those areas were all part of the outdoor areas.

The Imprisoned 1-3, Moldarach in Shipyard, Ghirahim final battle and Bilocyte would like to say hello!


You can buy a refurbished Wii U straight from Nintendo's Online Store for only $200 and that comes included with a free copy of Nintendo Land. That's how I got my Wii U. They actually deliver it in a brand new case and it works good as new! The system itself looked as if it were brand new and its been working like a

This is the most real and honest evaluation of the sensation of playing Mario Kart! This line alone made me crack up at my desk:

Well I agree that many animes and JRPG's have this funny logic, but I don't really agree that this happens in Bravely Default, cause if you've played the game Agnes doesn't really trust Ringabel at all to join. The only reason he ultimately joined is cause he proved his worth from the book he carries that actually

That's actually the reason I enjoyed Bravely Default so much! Noone ever mentions this or gives credit for this as far as I can tell, but in that game whenever you would meet a new party member the current members were hesitant to let them join and there were times where they would come in and out of the party in a

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

As a huge fan of Metroid, this was pretty awesome to read. Makes total sense.

That's not really much of a spoiler. Particularly because whoever said that is totally wrong. 1000 years have passed. He/She misinterpreted the story.

So a Wii U Metroid Prime game made by Retro then? ;)

So a Wii U Metroid Prime game made by Retro then? ;)