When I was younger, I used to throw any trash in my possession in to the beds of random pickup trucks. My attitude was that if the trucks weren’t being used for actual work, they might as well serve a public duty as a dumpster.
When I was younger, I used to throw any trash in my possession in to the beds of random pickup trucks. My attitude was that if the trucks weren’t being used for actual work, they might as well serve a public duty as a dumpster.
I would never own a full-sized pickup(except for maybe a SRT10), but warning bells go off when someone starts opining on what everyone else should drive. I can see similar arguments made against V8 ponycars- two inefficient, too big, too powerful, etc. My overriding vehicular ownership philosophy is: What car or…
My wife drives one of these. I am under no illusions that it is worth 30 grand. But since she wants to drive a manual SUV, we will probably never sell it so who cares? It is an awesome ride for a Jalop woman who needs to cart around two kids and a huge dog, and refuses to drive an automatic.
Military veterans aren’t fetishized in order to promote support for expensive, never-ending foreign wars of occupation in most civilized countries of the world. F1 isn’t the NFL.
I expect the comments section will be calm and rational.
Eliminating the Buell line, which appealed to younger buyers with less disposable income, is looking pretty stupid in retrospect.
What they don’t want heavy slow underpowered overpriced status symbols for old people?
Most car insults seem to revolve around masculine insecurity.
You’re collateral damage from the Miata.
Are you saying that an important court case is about to come down to whether or not a car has a limited slip differential?
Dese yoots aren’t getting off though.
These kinds of sick bastards need off the streets and jailed for life. Done. No trial. No parole. Game over.
Costs? Package options? What does the base model look like?
Or they’re people who have the good sense to save their money and don’t “buy” (finance) a new car every year or two. So sad that most people can’t imagine not making a car payment Every. Single. Month.
Top 14 cars that actually work for 15 years ... and a Golf.
Top 15 Cars that people who don’t care about cars buy... and a Golf
Top 15 cars whose trade in value is far below the down payment needed.
Top 15 Cars people can’t be bothered to trade in.