
Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

$70 a month is a lot of pizza rolls my dude. 

I believe the officer was quoted as saying “I swear, I thought he was black!”

Only one fired, none arrested.

Definitely a face that only a congressman taking defense contractor kickbacks could love.

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

why don’t they just make the whole truck out of tailgate?

Palate cleanser

Your traffic ticket, brought to you by Ring, from Amazon.

In the US, you would need a BoF truck weighing at least 2.5 tons to even think about towing that battery cart.

If we properly educated American drivers about lane etiquette and, well, driving, there’s no reason our interstate highways couldn’t be a fast as the German Autobahn. They’re designed for aircraft landings and troop transport, after all.

They have those and they’re called trailer parks.

Actually, so would I... That gives me an idea. What if there was an HOA for car enthusiast homeowners that would only allow in people who work on cars and love doing burnouts and all that? That might be the most fun neighborhood on the planet.

I thought mid aughts honda accord as well

Person: speaks truth

Riding in the rain may not be much fun, but it certainly isn’t “death in an instant.”

Everyone: shaft driven is more reliable and less maintenance

As a Volkswagen owner, I really don’t want to rely on electronics for visibility.

I live in Weehawken right outside of the Lincoln Tunnel. My name is ODDseth. I am 37 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if I am going out for the day in a Porsche Speedster, I’ll put on daily moisturizer with SPF 35 while doing my

Can I interest you in an R63?