And nothing of value was lost.
And nothing of value was lost.
Aren’t these conservatives all the same people who paraded around with flags in 2019 and 2020 that said “Fuck your feelings”?
Octane isn’t something you splurge on as a treat, it’s not a donut or a piece of cake on a cheat day. Your car either needs it, or it doesn’t. 93 isn’t better or worse than 87. Unless your car is tuned/modified to make use of higher octane fuel than what is specified in the manual, don’t bother.
The sky is the limit for us.
Kirsten - What watch are you wearing? I need one.
Not only that, but it got thrown at me the other day for something objectively un-boomer, and I’m 29. It has already lost all meaning and is just a general insult now.
My guess is that because of those plates they’ll be considered more collectible, and “collectible” means “most will never, ever see the drag strip”, and that’s a god damned shame.
My guess is an ‘04-’08 Maxima based on the wheels and the profile of the rear quarter panel and tail lights.
Made me feel like I was in the car with you! How do I get those awesome photos at a size suitable for my desktop wallpaper?
We collectively burned Nissan at the stake for the CrossCabriolet, but this is OK? Granted, this doesn’t come with that insufferable CVT, but still....
Every neon I’ve driven has been a total shitbox, but I still think we need more simple, honest cars like this.
I was thinking this too. What happens when you go to load a motorcycle or something heavy with a single load point on that tailgate?
The glove box in my ‘15 Golf R has an HVAC vent in it. I can’t imagine it would ever get cold enough in there to have an effect on the temperature of a drink or food, so why bother?
My dad had one of these when I was growing up. What a wonderful machine. His had 75k on it when he basically gave it away. I’m still bitter about not buying it.
Why not a used F-type with the 6 cylinder? Euro, higher, sporty, likely available under $50k used.
There is a very real market for electric motorcycles, just not $30,000 electric motorcycles. If you ever have the chance to ride a Zero, do it. They’re a blast, low maintenance, fast, quiet (which can be good or bad, depending on what you want), and very cheap to run. They wont work for everyone, but they’ll work for…
Not only is this true, but its much of the reason I bought my .:R. Its comfortable, well equipped, rides wonderfully, fits a hell of a lot of shit (everything I need to be over-prepared for a motorcycle track day, including a pit companion, minus the track bike). I put 22k miles a year on it, and its a pretty nice…
Since my number one gripe is already at the top of the comments (left lane hogs), I’m going with using a god damned turn signal. It’s right there. Right by your hand. USE IT!
My dad just picked one up a C7 in burgundy with the tan interior and the automatic, the old man special. However, I have to say, that car is a PLEASURE to drive, fast or slow, top up or down, highway or twisties. GM did a hell of a job with it. I’d drive one if I could afford it.
But will it still drive like a Buick? Will it still have cheap GM infotainment and GM fit and finish? I love wagons as much as the next guy, but I have an awful feeling that the price difference between this and the V60, Allroad, and 328xi will show in all of these areas.