
Remember when the sound of a Formula 1 engine was all you needed to get aroused? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

If you didn’t waste $100 a year on unnecessarily premium gas on your Dodge, maybe you could afford to get the wheel well rust repaired.

The AAA data result for the F-150 is about right. The Ecoboost engines recommend premium, but do not require it and still perform well. You do get more horsepower and a few mpgs when it is used but not enough to cover your costs. The Taurus SHO made 355hp on regular and the advertised 365hp on premium. A 3% gain in


This x100. I’m into my R for less than this thing costs and it makes 370whp, it’s a hatch and has a much nicer interior than any WRX I’ve been in.

Calling a Golf an econobox clearly indicates you’ve never even sat in one.

ND V8 Monster Miata.

As someone who works at a Toyota dealership, I can’t tell you how many people say “Who needs snow tires? I can just get AWD and be fine!” or “I really need AWD for Winter.”

I’ve pissed a lot of customers off reminding them it’s All Wheel DRIVE, not All Wheel STOP. The belief that All Seasons, quite literally, work in

Oooh, the new logitech stuff is out already!

Yes! How about that dude who drives slow in the left lane forever and just before his exit, always without signaling, jumps across three lanes of traffic to get off at the last second. I just love that.

Signal prior to turning, not during.

Keep right except to pass. (Even if there are 3 or more lanes, stay to the right, not the middle.)

If performance is what you’re after, you shouldn’t be buying a mainstream 3-row crossover.

Heater as most people know if you just connect a hose to your exhaust and tape it into your drivers side window then that will take care of your heating needs.

At least the truck stood its ground...

Chrysler Lamborghini sounds like the least reliable combination of all time.

Incorrect. Those are park-anywhere lights.

Huh, I guess BMW’s do have turn indicators.

A fleshlight that fits into the hitch receiver?

Gotta go against you on that "don't bring your own helmet" thing. Don't know where you're at, Alex, but there's no way in hell I'm sharing a helmet with the general Los Angeles public, especially after I spent good money on my own. I say bring your own helmet and don't talk shit.