
I have been re-watching a lot of old 80's movies lately and recently and I was kinda shocked at First Blood. I loved Rambo growing up, but my memory of the character must have been completely warped by the sequels. It really was a very good and moving piece of film that had something to say. The sequels completely

I know, I know, I chuckled while writing it too.  He could have at least checked it out on audiobook though.  I mean at least put some effort in the criming.

I just want to get to the phase where they all drink poisoned kool-aid and die so the rest of us can wake up from this dystopian fever dream.

slap, slap, slapping sounds

It would be humorous to see Tucker Carlson on a horse barking orders though

Statistically, you could probably just wait them out. They would die off pretty quick just from old age, diabetes or self inflicted gun violence.

I’d say zombies are faster and have higher stamina in general. Also, watch The Dead don’t Die, funny flick and topical

I just love how the GOP spent two days trying to spin this into “hearsay” only for him to go on live TV and come right out and say he did it and then to do it again. There had to be so much hand wringing and flop sweat in the GOP meeting they were having.

That poor lawn kid, I think about him often

He obviously never read The Prince by Machiavelli

It’s on on amazon prime, also I recommend getting the Just Watch app which searches all streaming platforms to find movies/shows

and this morning he is ranting that Joe Biden rigged the 2016 election because words and making sense just don’t matter anymore

Empires almost always die from the inside.  Get old enough and rich enough and you always start to rot from the inside out.

I’m sold, PV 2020!

I dreaming big that he brings the collapse of not only evangelicals but the entire GOP party

on all sides!

we really do, there is nothing that scares the idiot rednecks more than feral hogs

Good guy with a gun, now why haven’t i ever thought of that

Yeah, the MAGA crowd will have to be stamped out like the Nazis after WWII, they are beyond reason and reconciliation.

Yeah, I’ve been to the Atl a few times and I am very doubtful that the rednecks are going to be storming it anytime soon.