The pearl clutching in baseball is only exceeded by GOP congressman complaining about “wanting a return to civility” after taking a shit in the middle of the chamber and setting it on fire
The pearl clutching in baseball is only exceeded by GOP congressman complaining about “wanting a return to civility” after taking a shit in the middle of the chamber and setting it on fire
He has sucked since he left the Spin Doctors
He should run as hard and fast as possible to the Netherlands. The only thing more embarrassing than the USMNT right now is the “leader” of our country. Go be part of a proud team and country and enjoy your universal healthcare good sir.
in related news, the orange idiot is currently on TV asking the Ukraine to interfere with our elections again while under impeachment investigation for... asking the Ukraine to interfere in our elections.
He would die on any hill that makes abortion more difficult
“Time to do all the crimes!”
Did Devin Nunes get involved?
Yeah, they really need to start holding these f@ckers in contempt. Fine their asses and let them sit in a cell until they cooperate.
The vapors are the worst
I curse that damn organ donor daily
sucks for Bernie and I hope he is ok but I hope this also gets him to just drop out and back Warren
he’s going through the Grudening
if you are talking about Tulsi, she is a GOP plant at best and a Russian asset at worst
Republicans are cancer
I thought it was Manny France
You mean like moot
Bringing chonky back
all 10 of them!
The only time I have been called Hoss was by an Irish bartender in NYC. I asked why he called me that and he said he could tell I was a Texan by the way I walked, it also felt pretty awesome.
My Egyptian clients also use Boss almost exclusively