
This. Exactly this.

As a fan of Warren Ellis, Transmetropolitan and Constantine, I most definitely didn’t squee the first time I read that issue of Planetary.

Like Jack Carter (a character who definitely wasn’t John Constantine) said when he turned into a character who definitely wasn’t Spider Jerusalem... “The Eighties are long over. Time to move on. Time to be someone else.”

Best guess?

Hello fellow young people. I am hip with the language of young people. What with your paralax skipping and invisible walls.

I’d invite anyone who believes in prayer that powerfully to gather in large groups and share a chalice of wine.

This feels so gawdamn good to read as a Black Woman. Cause Im OVER these White ppl he Non Black or White Folks, plus the actual Capin A__Negroes. Who keep playing Johnny Cochran for these White Folks

The fact that supporters of Bernie in the 2016 primary in the swing States (MI, WI, and PA) voted for Trump in the general election (in sufficient numbers to win the entire election for Trump) is all you need to know about this issue. How do you go from Bernie to Trump? Even if Clinton was a “centrist”, they knew that

To the people who skipped the article just to come start shit in the comments, go somewhere else with your bullshit.

You act as if black people aren’t aware that, in 30 years, your boy hasn’t written a single piece of successful legislation. In three decades, what has Sanders ever achieved? What has he ever done that improved the lives of black people?

I mean, I know for a fact that I didn’t vote Warren because of genitalia.

Nope, you are right.

From what I’ve seen (and I’m still looking into it), Bernie surrogates can blame anemic youth turnout for losing to Biden (in the states in which he did) on Super Tuesday.

I don’t know you, and I doubt my wife would appreciate it, and maybe you would not appreciate it either, but if I saw you, I might kiss you.

unless we’re talking that bastion of TRUE patriotism Child Rapist Ted Nugent!

I mean, unless we're talking that bastion of TRUE patriotism Ted Nugent!

Dunning-Kruger meltdown!

Makes sense to me. Sanders... runs... wore no. 20. Sanders... running in 2020.... Amazing when Bernie tore Rod Woodson’s ACL without even touching him.

These are the same people who will tell you in the next breath that the right is universally smarter and better informed than the left.

We dur Mastur’ race!”