
Only one nominee is actively talking about this and trying to resolve this before every trucker is out of work, and that’s Andrew Yang. I know this is Gizmodo and they have recently written a wildly biased hit piece on him, but I encourage the rest of you to check out his interviews. He is very proactive on this AI

Taking away all the complications to the system that are a byproduct of human existence; they’d probably all have still ended up in the Bad Place.

I’m sorry I’m a little confused. was the Hack he figured out just marketing it himself?

Exactly. On principle, he’s not wrong; creators absolutely should be free to make what they want free of pressure. You don’t like it? Don’t give them money for it.

Customer feedback has to be seen through a filter. They do not always understand what they want or need with respect to the product being created, and it’s easy to have a vocal minority sound like they are representative of a broader opinion.

We have a RIng doorbell and we like it. That said, here’s how it seems most people use theirs.

Shit, racism in that office was the rule, not the exception for most of our history, covering multiple races. Even Presidents we consider to be the best we’ve ever had have had negative views on other races.

Please use its proper name, a masterbatoreum.

Exactly. Even if they still wanted to be click-baity, literally 15 whole minutes of extra due diligence and the article could have been “EXCLUSIVE: Gizmodo Staff Proves VLC Security ‘Flaw’ A Fraud”. Would it have still been a nauseating appeal to emotion about something literally NOT happening and include

Any “here is a new security hole” article should be required to list what the attack vector is. Is it a malformed video file that triggers the memory overflow? Some internal web server that VLC runs in the background that you need access to the user’s LAN to be able to attack? (Hint: it’s a malformed video file)

I’m sure there were some other concerns as well - like, Henry Cavill is a movie star. Does he plan to be in a TV series for the long haul (okay, it’s Netflix, so 3 seasons)? He’s the star so replacing him would not exactly be easy. I’m sure he has a contract that says like hey you wanted this role, you absolutely must

Helps that Ty and Daniel, unlike GRRM,
a) have the entire story plotted out
b) are in the writers’ room
c) aren’t egotistical idiots. 

As long as these two get their happy ending, I’m good.

Id say most action or genre series generally fall into that framework.

That’s 1 percent of the total annual global emissions.

There is a doctor out there that has the same name as me, and the amount of private medical info I receive is staggering. I actually tracked the guy down and let him know he really should be more careful with this, and he demanded that I give the account over to him.

I was getting a ton of email for a woman who kept putting down my email as hers. Some of them were NBD, but others included sensitive information, like rental agreements and medical stuff.

I have a property identification tag covering mine at work.

This was my take too.  If you saw through the lie in the first 20 minutes, the rest of the first hour of the movie is almost boring because all they’re doing is leaning heavily into that lie so they can set up their big “plottwist”.  

Rebound Avenger Daddy is amazing! *chef’s kiss*