
Plus as someone who works IT Security and has tons of training in personal data management,  shopping habits is so far down in the “important info about a person” area that its like whatever.   I don’t believe companies should get my shopping habit data for free but Amazon is willing to pay me money for it(which I can

I’ll offer this perhaps controversial opinion too... as someone who routinely forgets to go to AmazonSmile to help benefit my charity of choice, the ability to take these surveys and assign my earnings to a charity is kind of nice.

Just because it’s an industry standard doesn’t mean it’s fair. 30% is a significant amount.

If the fee for in-app purchases was lower than the free for purchasing an app, every developer would just make their app free and then lock the premium aspects behind a paywall.

I mean, Miles is essentially, barring two particular abilities that were shown in the trailer and a smaller frame, a different spider-man DLC skin. The key difference between Miles and Pete are character and there’s no need for a new engine or base for significant storytelling there. The PS4's Spider-man was already

Tell that to the people who made Contagion like the number 1 movie on Netflix.

I flubbed so badly the first time through because I was too busy watching in amazement. Had to try it again after and salvage my pride. :)

But this apps purpose was to literally take a picture of a piece of paper and transmit it. It was completely necessary and gave almost no advantages over a simple phone call (or hell, text message, email).

to say theres a rivalry based on the quality of the films they’re putting in theaters is like saying there’s a rivalry between an ant and a boot.

Meat production is a polluter, but it’s also a scapegoat. Of the top 100 companies polluting the planet, none of them are involved in food production.

I’ve reduced my intake of meat for health reasons and environmental ones, but vegetarian diets, and vegan, can be just as unhealthy as a diet that includes meat.


That’s how you justify a home gym if you have the space for it. A one time $500 dollar cost only has to be used for 2 years to beat a gym membership. That’s before you even add the extras like Time saved going back and forth, gas, laundry, added time packing/unpacking/rewashing/all the nonsense that goes with a gym. 

The classic servers have a short maintenance window like all the other servers. 1 hour or so. No achievements either. Pretty much everything added since vanilla, with the exception of a few, very limited functions, are not in the current classic iteration.

Wow, it really is just like launch.

My thought is that they are testing impromptu drone and robot movement and navigation. They want it to be short notice to make sure the teams are surprised by the layout and can’t pre plan. Also, that adds some real world challenges to the problem.

Honestly, if it is accurate, good for them. We need something like this. I’m all for legalization, but weed should be treated the same way as alcohol. If you are going to use it, do it when it is appropriate and not when your actions could put others in danger.

“You think you want it, but you don’t.”

I don’t believe people want to recapture the fun of playing 1.0 WoW, but rather they’re attempting to recapture that moment in their life where they were playing 1.0 WoW. 15 years ago we were all in very different places in our lives with less cares in the world, less stress in

Does anyone listen to The Dollop podcast?  They had a really interesting episode recently about the origins of Monopoly and how it was actually created by a socialist to play off of the inherent dangers of capitalism. 

“Knowing the location of a gym is also not an exact science. Sometimes the map location is different than the actual thing it’s supposed to be.”