
Just because it’s an industry standard doesn’t mean it’s fair. 30% is a significant amount.

I flubbed so badly the first time through because I was too busy watching in amazement. Had to try it again after and salvage my pride. :)


That’s how you justify a home gym if you have the space for it. A one time $500 dollar cost only has to be used for 2 years to beat a gym membership. That’s before you even add the extras like Time saved going back and forth, gas, laundry, added time packing/unpacking/rewashing/all the nonsense that goes with a gym. 

The classic servers have a short maintenance window like all the other servers. 1 hour or so. No achievements either. Pretty much everything added since vanilla, with the exception of a few, very limited functions, are not in the current classic iteration.

Wow, it really is just like launch.

“You think you want it, but you don’t.”

I don’t believe people want to recapture the fun of playing 1.0 WoW, but rather they’re attempting to recapture that moment in their life where they were playing 1.0 WoW. 15 years ago we were all in very different places in our lives with less cares in the world, less stress in

Does anyone listen to The Dollop podcast?  They had a really interesting episode recently about the origins of Monopoly and how it was actually created by a socialist to play off of the inherent dangers of capitalism. 

“Knowing the location of a gym is also not an exact science. Sometimes the map location is different than the actual thing it’s supposed to be.”

Shit, racism in that office was the rule, not the exception for most of our history, covering multiple races. Even Presidents we consider to be the best we’ve ever had have had negative views on other races.

Please use its proper name, a masterbatoreum.

There is a doctor out there that has the same name as me, and the amount of private medical info I receive is staggering. I actually tracked the guy down and let him know he really should be more careful with this, and he demanded that I give the account over to him.

I was getting a ton of email for a woman who kept putting down my email as hers. Some of them were NBD, but others included sensitive information, like rental agreements and medical stuff.

I have a property identification tag covering mine at work.

I think that regular news should do something similar. Rather than, “Trump: Mueller terminated the emails,” it should be “(False Statement) Trump: Mueller terminated the emails.” Say that it’s false or misleading, but then report on it.

I agree 100%. I just think your hopes are misplaced, especially with the writer of this piece.

At that point it’s no longer ‘news’ so much as an ‘opinion piece.’

A lot of those GOP Senators are up for re-election next year, so perhaps applying a little pressure to them might be worth the effort. I mostly agree with you, but the Senate picture for 2020 might provide an alternate path. Any remaining blue- or purple-state Republicans will really need to think carefully about

You could do a page out of a standardized test sheet, like the PSATs or something.  The LSATs have logic games that might be a bit advanced but are more interesting than sat problems.

Representative Ocasio-Cortez makes it easy to love her in a lot of ways. Her fire, passion, and commitment to do the job she was elected to dorather than just focusing on getting reelected from the first day of her term—are a refreshing set of changes from the daily grind of political prevarication and mealy-mouthed